Wednesday, June 21, 2017

How To Adopt A Child In Zimbabwe

00:10comm: in this dramatic footage, uganda wildlife authority rangers and veterinary team, alongwith the uganda conservation foundation save the life of an endangered rothschild giraffeas they free it form a poacher's snare. 00:32comm: the uganda wildlife authority is a government organisation responsible for protecting thewildlife in the national parks of uganda.

How To Adopt A Child In Zimbabwe, 00:43comm: and they have around 130 armed rangers patrolling murchison falls in the fight againstpoaching. 00:55comm: the snares used by the poachers are indiscriminate killers. and while they'renot necessarily the target species, giraffes

often fall victim too. 01:11comm: the rangers have spotted a giraffe with a snare around it's leg, although it's ableto move it must be in pain. and is at risk of infection and further injury. 01:27comm: having subdued the huge animal with a tranquilliser dart the team of rangers andvets work quickly to remove the snare. which is cutting deep into it's leg. 01:53comm: with the operation successfully completed, the rangers retreat and the giraffe returnsto it's feet and moves away.

02:11comm: while poaching is still a big problem in uganda, recent efforts by the wildlifeauthority have reduced the incidents of finding snares, from seven thousand a year, to justone or two a week. 02:29comm: this giraffe was lucky, as in areas with less frequent patrols the snared animalsdon't have a chance or survival.

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