Wednesday, June 21, 2017

How To Adopt A Child In Virtual Families 1

- we lost our dog dylan who was a boxer on 30th june 2015. before i even managed toget my head around the fact that he had a terminalillness, he passed away. so i was in complete shock,i was completely traumatized.

How To Adopt A Child In Virtual Families 1, after dylan had died, i knew straight away that we wanted to bring his body back with us cause we wanted to bury him. the vet said we could havehim out for a few days

then would need to thinkabout freezing him. so we had him out on hisbed for a couple of days. during that time, i was thinking, "shall i get him stuffed,what shall i do?" i was just in complete shockand that was when i remembered of someone else in theuk had their dog cloned while the dog was alive. so i called sooam biotech,told them the situation and just said, "is thereanything you can do?"

(fast serious music) and they said, "but we cando what we do to the cells. make them grow in number and freeze them until you're ready to do the clone or they can just staythere if you don't decide to go ahead with it." (serious music continues) we were meant to refrigerate dylan and take the cells andget the cells to them

in south korea within five days. - we had to go to ourlocal, to a boot store to get all the vials andinstruments we needed to get the cells. - we had to likesterilize all our kitchen, then lay him out, sterilizeall the area, shave his fur and basically follow the instructions using this biopsy tilt totake some skin samples. then we got an email saying that

the situation of the cellsis somewhat complicated. they seem to have attachedbut are not growing. we need to leave it a few more weeks and then weeks and weeksjust seemed to be going by and then we got this one saying, "oh they've started to grow." because dylan was like such a special case and it was a scientific breakthrough never been done before and iguess we just kinda felt like

it was meant to be. we were like, "how is this even possible?" like it's a proper miracle. so we went to south korea for the births. it was really surreal, wasn't it? - [richard] yea, emotional. - [laura] richard came in the room and said, "oh my god, theylook just like dylan," and i was just in shock at this point.

how am i even, i was juststaring at this puppy but not really thinking anything. it was only when yousaid that, that i thought god it's got all themarkings in the same place, and it's like a few minutes old. and already you couldtell it looks like dylan. i think i was expecting themto come out looking younger and not as formed for some reason. being part of this scientificbreakthrough is like

you know, once in a lifetime. (rhythmic piano music)

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