Wednesday, June 21, 2017

How To Adopt A Child In Va

- hey, honey? - hmm...? - can we talk? - sure.what's up? - i was just thinking and uh...

How To Adopt A Child In Va, you wanna have kids? - where did this come from? what's on your mind? - i was just thinking, i guess.

we're at that age where weshould come to a decision, right? - (sighs) right,i agree. i mean... do you...want kids? - i don't know. i mean, on one hand,kids are such a handful but-- - but they can also be, like, the mostimportant thing in a parent's life. - right! that's exactlywhat i was about to say! then again,the world is crazy out there. - (chuckles) you can say that again.

with everything going on,it's a dangerous world out there. - it's true. plus if we didn't have kids, you and i could focus onour goals and each other! - do you think we' know... ready? - to be honest? i don't think so. - (sighs) yeah.

you're right.maybe we shouldn't have kids. - [jokingly] yeah, like we makegood parents anyway. we are way too irresponsible. - [jokingly] we could never be good parents, not with the way you drink! - (chuckles) exactly! - [normally]'s decided then? - [normally] yeah. yeah, i guess it's decided.

we don't want kids. alright,you heard her! [threateningly] get the fuckoutta here, on the double! (door slams)(ball bounces) ♪♪ - hey, sweetie? do you think we're ready for a dog? (dog whines) - hello name's dave.

- hi, i'm rob. - we're from cyanideand happiness. - we're gonna be on live.mestreaming ourselves. - wednesday, septemberthe fourteenth. - three pm cst. the link is in the description. - it's right there! - we're gonna be answeringall your questions, sketching horrible things,

jerking off.(both laugh) on follow the link in the descriptionif you wanna download the app. - did you get that?

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