Wednesday, June 21, 2017

How To Adopt A Child In Pa

“this episode brought to you by meow mixcat food. the only one cats ask for by name.” intro----hi i’m catie wayne and this is animalist news!zoos aren’t the only places that care for wild animals, it’s estimated that over twentymillion americans own some type of exotic pet.for example, how about an exotic pet knownfor it’s...ummm… exotic smell?

How To Adopt A Child In Pa, originally kept by farmers to scare rodentsaway from crops, skunks are now known as some of the most loving and playful non traditionalpets… after they get their scent glands removed that is!sure, skunks require a fresh diet of insects, fruits, small rodents, and eggs.and have such bad eyesight and homing skills

that if you lose them outside you’ll probablynever see them again… and yea, they love to steal things from aroundthe house, buuuutt skunks are docile, intelligent animals that can live up to twelve happy yearsin captivity. they’re legal in seventeen u-s states including,georgia and michigan, and across the globe in canada and germany.oh my god, look at those cute freakin’ ears. that, my friends, is a fennec fox- debatablythe cutest canine that ever existed! although they’re technically related todogs, their temperament closely resembles a cat’s.fennec foxes are independent, cuddly, and sleep for most of the day!but before you jump on the bandwagon, research

has shown that fennecs are not easily domesticatedand can become stressed in captivity. in fact, many owners have experienced troublewhile trying to litter box train their fennecs. they’re also the most social of all foxesand need a fennec buddy or owner that will stay at home most of the day.according to the convention of international trade in endangered species, fennec fox speciesare not necessarily threatened with extinction, but their trade must be controlled.that’s one reason why only a few places in the united states, including florida andvirginia, allow fennec foxes to be kept as pets.but not only can you own the smallest canine, you can also adopt the largest rodent!related to guinea pigs, capybaras can weigh

up to one hundred fifty pounds and be keptin almost every u-s state besides texas and pennsylvania.while these giant hamsters are playful, super smart, and down right adorable, they alsorequire a ton of attention. in the wild, capybaras are extremely socialand live in groups of twenty of more. that means you will need to adopt at leasttwo capybaras in order to keep them happy. so now imagine there are two enormous rodentsrunning around the house, oh and by the way, you’re going to have to build a pool becausecapybaras are semi aquatic animals. there’s a reason that capybara literallytranslates to “water pig”! eat, mate, play, you name it, they do it inthe water.

but after you’re done renovating your houseand building a capybara lagoon, you can sit back and listen to their cute chirp and whistlenoises! totally worth keep in mind that all the animals i’ve just mentioned are wild animals that willnever be fully domesticated. these aren’t pets meant for everyone andthey require a lot of time, energy, and respect. that being said, what exotic animal wouldyou adopt? let me know in the comments below!trace- dnews cameo! be sure to check out these other videos andsubscribe!

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