Tuesday, June 20, 2017

How To Adopt A Child In Kuwait

we are walking prayersangels leave love letters in our palms our hands speak scripturewe are life givers, meant for sacred work we build bodies in our bodiesbabies born of our day dreams who will one day tell our stories we tend to them in backseats and bathroom stalls

How To Adopt A Child In Kuwait, lullabies and love hymns we pray over themmay they be safe, may they be strong may they be safe, may they be strong this is our song:

our mother, sister, daughter, woman warrior song we wear wounded hearts like badges of courage carrying the weight of the world on each shouldercollecting lessons in battle scars we are peace treatiesour hips the framework for families the foundation where god’s magic takes tangible form future generations depend on the resilience of our bodies and what will we tell them when boys-only tree housesgrow up to be boys-only governments boys, boys who have forgotten their first home was their mother’s womb

took their first breath in the embrace of her arms we must remind them from our breast you were fed we are shelter we are vessel our wombs are holy ground so violating a womanis a violation against god a sin against yourself, karmic suicidewe are sacred geometry divine pyramids and astrologynot to be thrown away like pearls to swine

meant to be honored not objectifiedwe were not always swayed by billboards beckoning from boulevard rooftopsphotoshopped glam shots night clubs and hot spots skylines laced with man made messages morphingour self-images into warped anorexic fantasies a gender-biased consumer agendahas us grooming for days eyebrows threaded, make-up applied, hair done legs shaved, bikini waxedpush-up bra, high heels in tact and we will never get those hours back our reflection is not in red carpet mainstream movie stars

it is in the night sky, the moon's soft mirror glow somewhere just past mars women are the heartbeat of the world we are regal, we are legacy:mary brought jesus through jachabed brought moses throughaminah brought muhammad through isis brought horus throughharriet tubman brought hundreds through we are warriorsour love is infinite our voices are made of lightour hearts are harbor our song, far and longwe are every continent every smoke signal and psalmevery prayer, every element, day and night,

we are earth. air. water. sunlight. let us celebrate ourselves, be our own heroes rewrite the fairytale so sleeping beauty wakes her own damn self up slays the dragon, looks at herself in themirror and says princess. i found you.

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