Tuesday, June 20, 2017

How To Adopt A Child In Jacksonville Florida

you got a great job but it’s 100 miles away.what happens when you want to relocate with your child? i’m steve kramer and i’m aflorida family law and divorce attorney. and this is a situation that does come up. anytimethat you want to relocate with your child and it’s more than 50 miles away from thecourt, you’re going to have to file a petition with the court. and this is the case evenif you and your spouse agree to the relocation.

How To Adopt A Child In Jacksonville Florida, you’ve still got to put it before the court.the bottom line is that the court is looking out for the best interest of the child. andif you and your spouse are agreeable, that’s great. if not, you’re going to have to filea petition. and this petition is going to be just like a modification of child support,just like your divorce in some ways meaning

that there’s going to be a final hearingon it. you are going to get ordered to meditation. and the court is going to be looking to thebest interest for the children. and part of what the court is looking at is the move goingto still allow for contact between your spouse – or your ex-spouse – and child? is thechild still going to see mom or dad? how’s it going to impact you and your ex financially?is it going to be affordable? and if there’s going to be visitation arrangements how’sit going to be paid for? who’s going to pay for it? and how’s it going to be afforded.and outside of that, it’s a good thing if your spouse is agreeable. that’s great.you can sign off on the agreement, you can submit a parenting plan to the court, andbasically it’s a formality to get it signed

off on as long as it’s not clearly againstthe best interest of the child. but you’re going to have to put this before the court.the court is going to have to sign off on it and that’s how it’s going to have tobe done. why am i telling you this? because i deal with these situations all the time.relocation is something that comes up a lot and if it’s an issue that you’re facing,then i’d love to talk to you about your case. give me a call; i’m here, i’m available.i’m steve kramer, thanks for watching.

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