Tuesday, June 20, 2017

How To Adopt A Child In Dallas Tx

when people talk about running everyone hasa different perspective. running for us has always been a way to just get outside of ourselves,get outside of our stresses and hit the pavement. adam was diagnosed with leukemia when he wasfive years old. at an early age i knew that i would not be able to father a child in thetraditional sense. we got married our junior year of college. we finished up school andadam got a job in dallas, so we moved to this

How To Adopt A Child In Dallas Tx, town we've never lived in, bought a house,did all that. but, there came a time where we started to have the conversations aboutstarting a family. our original idea was that we wanted to adopt from jamaica because adamhad done some mission work there. we started to research and through some connections withsome friends we got connected with christianworks.

it quickly moved forward and we got connectedwith a baby in jamaica and actually moved over there for six months and caredfor alex, our first son. unfortunately, due to various circumstances it did not work out, and experiencing that great loss was something i wasn't sure i'd ever be able to recover from. and that was one of the times that christianworks really wrapped its arms around us. it wasa few months later and we decided that we would move forward with another adoption.and this time we felt led to a domestic adoption. again, christianworks was right there forus. we got a call and it was going to be a little boy due at the end of november. itwas very overwhelming, with joy.

our life as our little family is everything i hoped it would be. adoptionworks supported us through such a spectrum of emotions. i felt a lotof things on this journey, but alone was never one of them. it's more than just an adoption agency for us, they were a support system.

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