Saturday, June 17, 2017

How To Adopt A Child Georgia

americans love irish people. >> even the way you said that itsounded very irish. >> stephen: did it now? >> not bad with the old irishbrogue there. >> stephen: can you teach meto do a real irish accent?

How To Adopt A Child Georgia, >> i could try. i could certainly try. >> stephen: i could try. >> it could be a challenge.

>> stephen: it could be achallenge. >> we'll give it a gp g. but it's your show. you can do whatever you want. >> stephen: give me a word. >> don't try-- stop. >> stephen: whatever you'redoing now, stephen. >> whatever that is, it's wrong. so we're going to do the rightthing.

the first thing you need toremember, when a lot of people try to do an irish accent theyalways sort of go up here like that-- they kind of-- yes theydon't use words. >> stephen: no, they don't. >> there's no words, no coherentwords. >> stephen: or they go reallydeep. >> that's the irish. >> okay. >> that's the, like, angry irishcatholic.

>> stephen: there's i'm irishand i'm irish. nothing in between. >> it depends what you want tobe. >> stephen: give me a hook. what should i say? >> i think you should be bubbly. you've got a show. you've got an audience. they've all come to see you.

they've paid good money. >> stephen: the show is free. the show is free. >> there's a telescope up there. there's a lot going on. so i feel like you should besort of-- you should be bubbly. what you need to do is keep yourvoice where it is right now. >> stephen: right here whereit is right now i thought we were starting.

i apologize. you're tougher than de niro. >> you're going to listen tothis for a second. i suppose you need to keep thesounds quite open. so everything sort of soundsquite melodic and sing-songy. start off by saying, "how's isgoing? i'm stephen?">> stephen: how's it going, i'm stephen. >> that's not bad.

>> stephen: that's not bad. >> it wasn't bad. ( cheers and applause )it's not great, but it's not-- ( laughter )>> stephen: how did i do with your name? how did i do with your name? sursha. >> perfect, like inertia. >> stephen: that's nice.

how often do people get it righton the first try? >> hard hardly ever. >> stephen: what's the worstpronunciation of your name you ever heard. let me get it out here first sopeople can see it. that's how your name is spelled. >> doesn't make any sense. it's a ridiculous name. >> stephen: what's the worstpronuncation.

>> sauer-es-'s, suarez. >> stephen: you do look alittle bit like a suarez. >> i do. pretty exotic you. >> stephen: have a very, verythick mexican accent. >> and i've got the skin tone togo with it. >> stephen: you can help meout with something, though? there are so many irish namesthat are almost impossible for people not from ireland topronounce.

these are real irish names. tell me how to say them. >> does anyone know how topronounce that in the audience? tig. naef. but it's neeve. >> stephen: how about thisone. >> o-sheen. >> osh-een.

how do you think that'spronounced. >> stephen: should one i know. shi-von. ridiculous. >> they're all ridiculous. >> stephen: this is one thatbreaks my brain. >> there's a lot of "l's" inthat name. queva. >> stephen: you go to hell.

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