Saturday, June 17, 2017

How To Adopt A Child From Your Wife

( music ) if you can't take care of a child, be honestwith yourself, give it up for adoption at birth. there's nothing worse, than someonetrying to use their child as a weapon against someone that never even loved them, to beginwith. on the flip side of that coin, there are childlesscouples that are going through horror, trauma,

How To Adopt A Child From Your Wife, and scams, trying to get a baby. so at one end of the spectrum, you have singlemothers mutilating their children for their own selfish ends, and at the other end, youhave barren couples, going through hell, wishing to adopt a child.

the main stream media never talks about thesetwo groups, in the same breath. in fact, according to the main stream media, single mothers arelike the virgin mary, holy, sweet, pure, innocent, never capable of being evil to a lover thatjilted them, nor evil to their child that they use and abuse. i'm here to dispel, this myth. a child needs two, loving, sane, parents.period. there's no debate about it. there's no excuses. it's like teen pregnancy. it is not a goodthing. it happens. but, there's no debate that it is not a good thing. those in powertry to twist, single-parenthood as something

good, when it is not. it is not good for:the child; the mother; the father; the government; the taxpayer. new data is coming out that child abuse is40% more rampant to single mothers, than any other group, including single fathers. just give the child up. do it from the start.if you give up your baby from the start, the child is far more likely to be adopted immediately,versus and older child. you would be setting your child up for far more success. i'm not here to praise single parents. i'mnot here to praise parents, period. i'm here to tell you how much destruction, drama, trauma,and abuse is occurring, because no one has

the guts to tell single parents, who cannotafford their children, that they know, they can't afford, to give them up for adoption. in fact, when was the last time you saw anadoption commercial? in fact, when was the last time you heardof a report of couples buying children on the black market? in fact, when was the last time you saw areport of couples going to jail trying to buy a baby, and women going to jail for fraudulentlytrying to sell a baby they don't even have? thank you for watching the shakaama live show.

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