Saturday, June 17, 2017

How To Adopt A Child From India

over the past 35 years, china has attemptedto keep its booming population in check by instituting a one-child-per-family policy.and while more than three quarters of chinese citizens support the idea, china is lookingto revamp the program into a two-child policy. many have argued that population control methodscreate more problems than they solve, and in china’s case, are set to cripple theeconomy. so we wanted to know, is china’s

How To Adopt A Child From India, one child policy a failure? well, the policy was originally instated afterchina’s population exploded in the 20th century. from roughly 700 million residentsin the 1960s, to more than a billion in the 1980s, chinese officials implemented the one-childplan to cut 300 million residents. in 2011,

the government claimed that the policy, andother birth control methods, have led to the prevention of 400 million births. however,critics point out that the drop in births is due to lower fertility rates, which areconsistent with lower rates in countries without such policies, like thailand. in fact, china’s one-child policy isn’treally true to its name. for starters, it only affects about a third of china’s population,making exceptions for ethnic minorities and rural residents. it also often does not applyif a couple’s first child is female. new rules in 2013 also allowed parents withoutsiblings to have up to two children. but despite the limited enforcement, the one-childpolicy has led to severe imbalances in chinese

society. women are often pressured into havingabortions if pregnant with a second child, as the penalty ranges from a fine, to evenlosing your job. in 2013, china’s health ministry revealed that more than 300 millionabortions had been performed to maintain the one-child policy. another major problem isthat the system of fining violators means that wealthy residents are able to have manychildren, while the impoverished are penalized. perhaps the worst side effect of the policyhas been referred to as the “missing women” problem. because having male children is preferredin chinese society, baby girls are sometimes killed, aborted, or given up for adoptionin an effort to “try again” for a boy. this phenomenon was calculated in 1990 tobe responsible for at least 50 million “missing

women” in china, and as many as 100 millionworldwide. the policy also creates an extremely difficultsituation for parents and their children, known as the “4-2-1 problem”. chinesesociety stresses that children are to take care of their aging relatives. but with theone-child policy, a single person ends up responsible for both parents, and all fourgrandparents, creating tremendous strain, with no siblings to help. the shrunken youthdemographic, comprised overwhelmingly of males, is also poised to severely diminish the economyas larger, older generations retire. although the elderly only comprise about 12% of thepopulation, by 2050 they are expected to represent a full third.

china’s one-child policy, like many governmentsanctioned forms of population control, has led to severe negative effects, and even humanrights abuses. so with 1.3 billion people, representing the most populated country onearth, is it safe to say that the one-child policy is a failure? obviously, yes. but besides the one-child policy, there aremany aspects of chinese culture that are massively misunderstood. to learn about some of thosemisunderstandings, check out this video by seeker daily. if you’re interested in howother countries have tried to control their populations, watch this video about iran’sfamily planning laws. thanks for watching testtube! don’t forget to like and subscribe.we’ll see you next time!

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