Saturday, June 17, 2017

How To Adopt A Child From China

a baby boy was found trapped in a sewerpipe uh... div rescue of the baby two two-and-a-half hours however uh...authorities and people at the hospital were able to safely get out of the sewerpipe uh... and you know he had minor injuries but he's doing okay now this is crazy story especially when youconsider you know how

How To Adopt A Child From China, someone could throw a baby down thetoilet and then get stuck in a sewer pipe but you know forces a lot ofspeculation the story has very few details right now we don't know why thishappened and that we don't know if the parents uh...

decided to do this so with there's afull-on investigation taking place and once we get the details will fill yourokay but i mean is very relevant where it was in china yeah and once i thoughti'd mention it again but yes this happen in china and of course people are are emiliepointy fears of the one-child policy you know which is understandable butagain we don't know what the details of the story on is like we don't know howyou know what happened we don't know if it was the mother we don't know if theywanted to dispose of the baby we don't know if the baby's somehow i don't knowwe don't know what happened to you i

don't care if you're being too airfareobviously life it is real good what life would be a pause in the toilet evencalled nine one one uh... equivalent in china like you are like hate my baby justrolled a booklet you might want to help out in our so i'mnot even saying that that's what happened might my point is we don't knowwhat happened when someone stole the baby and then panicked in some sort ofsituation and you know decide to try to flush itout what we don't know what happened outside thats all i'm saying okay iguess you're calling that baby number

fifty nine is a two-hour rescue uh... and tiny baby success to pointedout cigs army seattle harvey having gone through worded and uh... hype was only three inches indiameter and when i'm fires were called i know it's to stand for will serve thefirefighters recalled to the scene uh... you know they did their best toget the baby out with the contents of a high-tech cut the pipe and take the babyto the hospital where where doctors carefully took the baby out of the paperand you know it's amazing anna rita

poori now usually in china with uh... the taxes he would say in this casereiterated its already been born which happens from time to time it's usuallybroke uh... and but it could be that it wasthe one child positive they might have already had a boy couple knows trade credibility for possible use which wouldand of course was saying in the beginning but no matter who did it

that china is a mess around uh... they do the death penalty and their use it almost must exercise so and now this is obviously attempted murder fluctuated overthrows elicit was like amassive accident that seems to be incredibly improbablebuddies at its heart breakin either way aboutfaye god the rescue seven eighths

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