Saturday, June 17, 2017

How To Adopt A Child For Education

adoption questionsby: kirsh 7 kirsh, p.c. steven kirshadoption attorney hi, steve kirsh and yogi, hi yoges, here withthe answer to today's adoption question. the questions is: "what is a homestudy?"the answer is, a homestudy is done for prospective adoptive parent in preparation of their adoptinga child.

How To Adopt A Child For Education, it consists of two parts.the first is an investigation of the family, and the second part, if the homestudy is doneproperly, is the educational component, and the investigation we want to make sure the family has a good marriage, if they aremarried, that they are financially secure.

i like to know that a family can put a familythrough college if that is the child's desire. i want to make sure they are healthy and theyhave a normal life expectancy. there is a medical examination that is required.criminal checks, child abuse checks, sexual offender checks, all of that.and then the counseling and education component is equally important.frankly, most people pass a homestudy. most people would not subject themselves tothat type of investigation if they did not believe they were going to pass.the educational and counseling component is really more important.i want to make sure that both husband and wife, or both parties in the couple are readyto adopt and they are both on the same page.

or, to say it differently, they are on thesame track heading in the same direction at the same speed.i do not want to find out later that one of them was interested in adoption and the otherwas just going along with for the ride. i want to make sure they know how and whento tell the child about being adopted. i also want to make sure the understand thetremendous amount of love and courage it takes to make an adoption plan for the birthmom.the respect of the birthmom is a very important educational component of the, the other part of the homsetudy process is that it provides the expectant moms a greatdeal of peace of mind that they are making a good choice for the baby.if some independent agency has interviewed

the family,investigated them, counseled them,educated them, it provides the expectant mom a lot of peaceof mind in knowing that her baby is going to have a good home and a wonderful life.i hope that is helpful. yogi and i are always happy to answer otherquestions as you have them. thank you very much

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