Friday, June 16, 2017

How To Adopt A Baby Sims 3

two men and a baby... and one of them's pushing a stroller. do you jump to a certain conclusion? why does it make you uncomfortable? because it's not something that you normally see? i'm starting the conversation.

How To Adopt A Baby Sims 3, you got two guys walking around and one of us is pushing a stroller... why was it a strange thing for so many people? (dumb accent) *look! look at that!* *woah!* a lot of these people that were staring... they weren't just staring, i mean these people were mean mugging!

like i did something to you... did i do something to you?! walking. talking. pushing a baby. in a stroller. we weren't, like... we weren't, like, going around shoving babies! but it seemed like the immediate conclusion was... that my buddy and i were a couple, walking around pushing our baby. that's ridiculous. our situation is not that.

why could it not have been what it was? it's kind of a sad thing that, you know, it's so strange for a couple of guys to be out with a baby. why?! we know how to take care of babies! my buddy's got a daughter of his own... he's great with her. i mean, people were watching us like we were a circus act, or like a parade coming through town... (singing) look at the dudes that are walking with a baby! nobody would have followed us... i don't think... my buddy that i was with is kind of a big dude, a little imposing. but if i was walking with somebody else...

people might have actually said some stuff. somebody might have tried to do something. but why? what would have been the motivation behind that? the audacity of some people to point at... ridicule.... talk about... mock.... something that they don't understand... *whisper... whisper...*

*tee-hee...* *point...* bruh, i can see you... it was hard not to feel, like, exposed, vulnerable or on display... i can't imagine how somebody who's not already prepared themselves... mentally and emotionally, for experiencing something like that... how in the world... would a dad cope? what are you looking at? what are you looking at?! (dumb accent) *woah!!*

and even the people who were on our side... why did you feel like you needed to be a cheerleader? why did you think i needed the look and the thumbs up? *you go, boy!* *you!* *look at you!* i'm trying to be a good dad... trying to be a good husband... trying to spend some time.

*and you're a cute couple, too!* i would like to hear... or read some answers to that question... get in this game... let's talk about these things, let's talk about these issues... let's get some conversation going. you can always get me at now grab a buddy, get your stroller... and go get to dadding!! teething... ooh... it's a thing!

our, uh, our little baby's five-and-a-half months old... i'm gonna get her. now, this is aurora. now... one of the greatest tips i can possibly give you, as far as having a little, teething baby... take a little something like this... this is just, like, a little mitten... or a washcloth... or... something that's kind of a thinner fabric... fill it up with applesauce. that's what i like to use...

or baby food... put in in the freezer... and when your baby is having a teething fit, put this into her little hand and... uh-huh! immediately, that thing is going to go into the baby's mouth and not only will they get a little bit of flavor, they're going to get the cooling sensation it's gonna, kind of, soothe their gums a little bit. it's gonna make them feel a little bit better.

isn't that nice? yeah! really, really great little tip. very easy to do. they will be very, very happy with it. and it'll also give you a couple of quiet moments... alright... so... guys, again, i'm jason. this is aurora. we want you to subscribe to "where's mommy?!" so hit that button, right down there and subscribe. now, aurora, do you see the camera? see the camera? do you want to tell them to subscribe?

you being shy now? *(baby noises)* go to "where's mommy?!" subscribe. like the video. let me hear your comments. go get to dadding! *kiss*

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