Friday, June 16, 2017

How To Adopt A Baby Pig

a smaller variety of the domesticated pigthat gets its name from a dip in its backbone causing its belly to sag. originally from south east asia and importedto different countries and domesticated to be used as pets. have poor vision but an excellent sense ofhearing and smell.

How To Adopt A Baby Pig, they are omnivores and will eat any type offood, but prefer tubers and roots. they do make good pets for the type of personwho is willing to take the time and resources to care and interact with them. they are not good for people who have littletime or money to spend on them.

they are nocturnal in the wild (night creatures),do not sweat and require water and mud to keep cool. they have been trained and used by the policeas drug-sniffing animals. usually black in color, reach an average weightof less than 100 pounds and have a lifespan of 15 to 20 years. fresh soil uncontaminated by pesticides orartificial fertilizers provides pigs with nutrients which are difficult to find in food. they keep themselves as clean as they can. wallowing in mud is strictly for health reasonssuch as to prevent sunburn.

all pigs should be vaccinated against swineflu. keeping the pig's living area clean fromfeces and feeding fresh food and water will reduce its chances of contracting swine flu. you can get swine flu from coming into contactwith a pig that has already been infected with the swine flu virus. always wash your hands after touching thepig or cleaning up after the pig. pot-bellied pigs are too slow to escape predatorsor oncoming traffic. pigs also have to learn how to find food andif they survive long enough, they eventually will die of starvation.

never release an unwanted pot-bellied piginto the wild. contact an animal rescue organization.

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