Friday, June 16, 2017

How To Adopt A Baby Penguin

(cheerful music) - [voiceover] blakely hasthe most difficult job in cincinnati zoo, he has toplay with babies all the time. (squeaking) (hissing)

How To Adopt A Baby Penguin, he's never shown anyaggression or snapped. if he gets upset, kindalike any mom would, he just leaves the room. (laughing) - [voiceover] you are so cute!

- my name is dawn strasser, and we're at the cincinnati zoo and botanical garden blakely is a five yearold australian shepherd. we got him from a rescue. and i use him in the nurseryas a nanny, or companion dog. this is about you, andyou're taking a nap! blakely's here for the mainpurpose of teaching the babies the correct animal cues as they grow up, so when they are introducedback to their own kind,

they know what appropriate behavior is. he teaches them how toplay, how to interact. i can tell them, no don'tbite me, but i'm not an animal and i don't give thesame cues that he can. so we make a great team. - [voiceover] smile for the camera! - [dawn] blakely has workedwith cheetahs, ocelots, a takin, bat-eared foxes, a warthog, wallabies, to name a few.

he's working with fourbaby cheetahs right now. it's been a long seven weeks for him with these little cheetahcubs, and he's, i think, tired. he's on alert for 24 hours a day. if they start making too muchnoise, he'll come and get us. like, something's not right,something's not right. he's kinda like a secondset of eyes for us, too. a lot of times they stillrecognize each other, like dale the takin he raised,when they see each other,

dale'll still run up infront and grunt at him, and he'll kinda jump up onthe wall and it’s kinda like, hey, how ya doin'? - he's beautiful. - [dawn] thank you! yeah, well, i like tothink i have an office, but i'm pretty sure it's his. (light cheerful music)

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