Wednesday, June 14, 2017

How To Address A Marketing Letter

do you know the next key element in creatinga great dpm campaign? no? it's writing great copy. in today's video we're going to go over 4key areas on writing irresistible copy. attention, interest, desire, action. whether you're drafting a sales email, salesletter, or want to tell better stories, these

How To Address A Marketing Letter, 4 fundamentals will keep people engaged longerand get them to take action. that's right. this is a tried and true formulato get others to take action. it's powerful and with all great power comes great responsibility.proceed with caution. writing good copy is key to an effective dpmcampaign. it's pretty much selling in print.

the idea is your words will be persuasiveenough to have somebody do something on their own. if you're in business this is to getthe customer to give you money in exchange for something of value. today we're going to go through a very effective,4-step process to creating killer copy. the first area is gaining attention. your copyis going to need to get someone's attention immediately for them to continue to read yoursales letter. as you can see, my first dpm letter i'm boldingwhat i'm offering them and i'm showing them my picture. after you get their attention you're goingto want to peak their interest. this can be

done a number of ways but a bullet-proof wayis describing in detail the pain that your prospect is having. however, don't feel likeyou have to take this approach. the key thing to remember is don't be boring, be interesting. josh is right. describing the customer's painis a great way to get them interested. if you clearly describe somebody's pain theywill automatically assume that you have the solution. hey jamin, just to prove that you can do thisa number of ways, why don't you share with them how you did it in your letter? my first dpm letter, i got them interestedby letting them know that i want to meet every

business owner in the silicon valley. desire is the next thing that you need tocreate to make sure that someone takes action. many times this can be done by just showingthat you have the solution to solve your prospect's pain. however, in dpm we like to give somethingaway to get that desire engine hot. so in my letter i offer a free box of cookiesfor people who contact me. i know the idea of offering cookies sounds like a crazy idea,but you have no idea how well it works. something as simple as cookies actually doeswork. now the final area is action. you want to clearly state what you want your prospectto do next. don't overcomplicate this one. make it assimple as possible. in my letters people just

had to call or email me to get the cookies.make sure your call to action requires prospects to only do one thing: a-i-d-a; attention, interest, desire, action. it's simple, it's powerful, and once you startwriting copy that follows this format you'll be on your way to see massive results fromyour dpm campaign. stay tuned because next week we're going overtracking and we're going to be giving away our super-secret tracking tool. make sureyou subscribe so you know when our next video's coming out. i have one final question: are we helpingyou? josh and i are creating these videos

to help people improve their sales skills.if you've learned something in this video will you please hit the like button and letus know? we'll see you next week. check it out. albatross. i'm an albatross, i'm an albatross,i'm an albatross, i'm an albatross, i'm an albatross ... not a little bird, i'm a bigbird and with one [swipe 03:23] of my wings i can [fly a mile 03:25] ...

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