Tuesday, June 13, 2017

How To Address A Letter Unsure Of Gender

hi guys! so, at your top surgery consultation you havethe opportunity to ask questions about your pre-op and your surgery and your post-op andall that good stuff. but it might be a little bit hard to knowexactly what questions to ask. so, i'm making this video to give you somesuggestions and some inspiration for what

How To Address A Letter Unsure Of Gender, questions you might wanna ask your surgeonat your consultation. when thinking of questions that i wanna askin situations like this, i like to break it down into sections. so for surgery i would break it down intopre-op, and the surgery itself, and then post-op.

so for pre-op, you may wanna ask: when orhow long before surgery will you know your surgery date?and how will you find out aboutit? will it be via letter or e-mail or maybe aphone call? what information will that e-mail or letteror phone call contain? like will you know what time to be at thehospital on the day of surgery? if you're traveling for surgery, how longdo they recommend you to stay in the area after surgery? will you be staying overnight at the hospitalor will you be going back to your home or your hotel on the same day?

what things can or should you bring to thehospital? is there anything else your surgeon recommendsyou to do to prepare for surgery? and where should you turn if you have anyother questions or concerns pre- or post-op? for the operation itself you could ask questionslike: how long has the surgeon been doing this type of surgery? what procedure does the surgeon recommendfor you? and if that conflicts with the procedure thatyou want, ask why the surgeon recommends that for you so that you can get a clearer pictureof what might be best for you. how long will the surgery in itself take?

and if you're getting picked up by a friendor family member, when can get come get you? and for post-op you can ask things like: willyou have drains? when will you be recieving post-op care info? i recieved some post-op care info when i waspretty freshly post-op, and it was a little bit difficult to remember 'cause there wasa lot going on and i was on pain meds and stuff like that, so maybe bringing a notepadwill be a good idea if you know that you're gonna be given some post-op care info whenyou're very freshly post-op. and if there's anything in particular thatyour surgeon recommends you to have or keep in mind for your post-op recovery.

and, this is very important - remember towrite down your questions and bring a notepad and a pen or some type of device that youlike to type on to the consultation, because if you don't, i can almost guarantee you thatyou're gonna forget one of your questions even if you don't have that many, and thatyou are going to forget the answers if you don't write them down. so, write down your questions and write downthe answers that you get. trust me. and - this is also very, very important - clarifyif there's something you don't understand. express concerns if you have them.

your surgeon should want you to have a positiveexperience all the time, so you don't have to feel like you're in the way if you needto ask something several times, if you need to ask them to clarify something, or you know,if there's anything. if there's something that you're unsure aboutor that you don't understand, clarify. express your concerns. very important, both for your sake, and foryour surgeon's sake, and for everybody else's sake., it's good so that you're all on thesame page with everything. so as i said, those were just some suggestions. you don't have to ask all these questions.

there may be other questions that i didn'tmention at all that you wanna ask. just take this as some inspiration. it's also really good to read about complications,or to ask your surgeon about things to look out for when it comes to complications, because,you know, if you don't know what might be a complication you might worry- you know,without needing to worry at all 'cause maybe there's nothing to worry about. or you may have a complication that you don'tknow is a complication because you don't recognize the signs. i hope that your consultation goes well ifyou're on your way to having one.

i hope that your surgery goes well. have a good day and i will see you next time. love you, bye!

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