have you ever noticed how you type youremail address multiple times through the day the full thing in like multiple textboxes on websites etc you're going to give yourself carpaltunnel syndrome from all this typing i'm going to show you one
How To Address A Letter To Vancouver Bc, awesome shortcut to end that and thenyou'll have more free time for organizing the shoes in your walk-incloset so i just timed myself and it takes me two and a half seconds to typemy full email address this is a giant waste of time if i dothis 20 times a day over a year
i'm wasting five hours of my life so i'mgonna show you a much faster way to do this if you go to system preferences andthen click on keyboard and then click on text hit the little plus sign on thebottom left here to add a shortcut and on the left you want to put two atsymbols or whatever you want your shortcut to be on the right you typeyour full email address now this is awesome because this worksanywhere you can put it into web forms you can put it into notes or documentsor text people and all you have to do is hit the at symbol twice and the spacebarand your email address appears boom mac epiphany little parched
if you get a good mac then going to keepyou well hydrated if you want someone awesome and totallynot condescending to come to you and take all of your technology challengesoff your mind head to macinhome.com because you'vegot way better things to do with your time like for example clicking subscribe
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