Friday, June 9, 2017

How To Address A Letter To Doha Qatar

host: ok thank you for that, i will come back to that point, tommy but i want to put one quite fulsome point to you if i may i'm sitting here in this studio in doha, we are in qatar, we are arguably in the heart of the middle east, therefore we are in the heart of islam let me just read something to you from the holy book, and i want you to react to that, you can't see me but i've got a copy of the koran in front of me. there are parts of our holy book that talk about people

How To Address A Letter To Doha Qatar, being persecuted and killed there are parts of the holy book that talk about people all over theworld being killed because you are my followers another quote from one of the holy books in this part of the world talks about people being stoned to death with stones until they die, another part of a holy book

that one can read in this part of the world talks about utterly destroying your enemies spare them not, but slay both man and woman. when you hear those quotes, what do you think that speaks to? tommy: i'd ask you why you're reading the old testament to me? host: you've had that before haven't you?tommy: it's a simple question i'm not stupid, you're sitting quoting verses from the old testament thinking i'm a moron that would think that's from the koran but i know the old testament and i know the koran. can i ask you a question, have you read the koran? host: yestommy: you have,host: in english not in arabic, but in english

are you free, sitting where you are in doha, to criticise the prophet mohammad, are you free to do that? host: yes i am, i have had intelligent conversations with my islamic colleagues on the very [his sound cuts] tommy [his recording]: so you know of the life of mohammad, yes?[no sound from host] you know that he murdered 600 people, you know that he raped, no, no [host talking but cut by al jazeera] people in the bible is very different to people in the bible and the messenger of god, who is the most moral compass for every muslim in the world and when he is the moral compass for every muslim in the world and he marries a 6 year old child called aisha and he raped her when she was 9

i've got a problem with that and when people wish to live as mohammad did, in my country[host talking no sound] you are, no, no, you are the country you're sitting in now, people from israel are not even allowed to enter it. so if we want to talk about fascism, the country you're in now, people[host talking] people with israeli passports .... ok is it untrue .... [back to al jazeera broadcast]host: the same subject tommy: can someone in qatar leave islam? is apostasy punishable? host: you don't have to be islamic to be in qatar, you can leave the country and come intommy: someone can leave islam? host: if you are jewishtommy: no no a muslim cannot leave islam, it is punishable in qatar

the country that you're talking to me from, the country whose tower i'm sitting in, the country that funds radicalisation worldwide the country that supports hamas, and you're sitting there trying to take some moral high ground about issues in the world that relate to islamic extremism when the country, and the people who are paying your wage, are propagating hate and extremism worldwide, i've come into this building and just had to go through an airport style scanner and when i asked why, they've said it's because of the paris attacks. host: tommy i do have to to move the debate on becausetommy: of course you do host: yes of course i do because otherwise you and i will end up tommy: you don't like what you're hearing

host: no, no that's not true sir,tommy: you're trying to bury the truth host: you and i will have to have a conversation down the pub next time i'm back in london. coming back to you

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