the last entry in metin arditi'sdictionary of switzerland is dedicated to zurich.a city that fascinates him. and one place in thecity in particular. voilã , this is the kronenhalle, which used to be the stablesof a hotel
How To Address A Letter Switzerland, and has become a mythical place: somewhere i always enjoycoming back to. the kronenhalle is probably thenicest story in the whole book. it brings together so manybeautiful things
that make switzerland what it is. a young couple, the zumstegs,wanted to go independent. they found these oldhotel stables, dirty and in disrepair. they threw themselves into it,with all their energy, heart and soul,and turned it into a restaurant which was soon a big hitin zurich. in addition to his praise forthe kronenhalle, roger federer and ferdinand hodler,there are also critical entries
in arditi's dictionary ofswitzerland. for instance the entry on"tax refugees" in which he vents his anger at the flat-ratetaxation of rich foreigners. the country is getting rich by betraying its ownfundamental principles. principles such as equality,work and justice. i don't like this, thisbusiness with the tax refugees. i find it hard to swallow. switzerland in arditi's eyes is
slow and traditionaland yet constantly in motion.
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