Saturday, June 3, 2017

How To Address A Doctor Letter

♪♪ >>[coughing] i did it! i travelled back in time! got to find hitler

How To Address A Doctor Letter, and stop world war ii. [warp sounds] >>it worked! i travelled back in time to-

great scott! who are you? according to my research there was no one in this room in 1938. >>i'm here to stop hitler from the future. >>so am i. you haven't seen him have you? i brought with me chloroform

and sock full of nickels. >>what year are you from? >>1985, and you? >>2015. >>great scott! then i've already failed. >>greetings, dudes! i am bill s. preston esquire. >>and i, am ted theodore logan

and we are here to stop world war ii. [electric guitar music] >>is it weird to anyone else than none of us are trying to stop world war i? it's not like that was a picnic. >>we originally tried to stop hitler's parents from meeting,

but we're the reason they met in the first place. total bummer. >>time travel is confusing. history is being written by two madmen in a phone booth. [warp sounds] make that three. >>you here to stop hitler,

get in line pal. >>no. well, maybe later. i just came to deliver these. >>what's this? >>i'm suing for copyright infringement. >>bogus. >>i'm sorry.

so sorry, except i'm not. allons-y! >>now we need to come up with a plan. hitler is going to be through that door at any moment. >>too many turns. >>whoa. hitler's a lot shorter

than i thought. >>but surprisingly curvaceous. >>i don't think i can do this. >>now we can stand here idly by when you have the opportunity. >>avada kedavra. >>[grunts] >>somebody already killed him, so...

>>i can't believe you did that. >>oh, come on, he was basically the muggle voldemort. >>did anyone else follow that sentence? >>well, i guess we better bail. >>could i get a lift? this thing only

works in reverse. >>for a bodacious babe like you- >>excellent! >>well, i'm going to go to 1995 and invest in something called google or was it america online? well, i'm sure they'll end up equally successful, so... wait a minute!

if you're from 2015, where's your hover board? >>yeah, where is it? get it together earth! >>thanks for watching. be sure to subscribe and check out our other fantastic videos. and spread the word, we want hover boards.

i can't believe they're not here by now. thanks obama. mommy! obama. you know if michelle was in charge, we'd have hover boards. just saying.

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