Saturday, June 3, 2017

How To Address A Cover Letter When You Know The Name

i often get asked if a cover letter is necessarywhen applying for a job. well, it is, and i'm going to tell you why. my name is gloriacampbell, president of advantage training systems located in st. petersburg, florida.and the one thing i want you to remember is that your cover letter is really the firstthing that that potential employer is going to see. it's going to give them a glimpseof who you are, what you've done, and why

How To Address A Cover Letter When You Know The Name, you feel you are very, very qualified forthat particular position. always remember to include some very basics, like your name.can't tell you how many cover letters i get, there's no name on there, there's no addresson there. today's date, employer information, and then why are you writing. what it is aboutthis position that you feel you could really

do a better job than someone else. your accomplishments,why are you qualified? what have you done? what's similar, what may be different, orwhere you may see this job taking you in the future. and finally, don't forget to summarizeand close. that summarization brings it back to, and the reminder of the reader, why theyshould select you and look at your resume, so that you could move to the next step. myname is gloria campbell. i'm with advantage training systems located in saint petersburg,florida, and yes a cover letter is important! it is what will get you to the next step.

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