Saturday, June 3, 2017

How To Address A Cover Letter Human Resources

hi my name is pat goodwin with pat goodwinassociates. the question today is what is the risk with outplacement services. firstof all let me explain what outplacement services are. they are services that the employer wouldpay for in providing the employees who are leaving the organization in the form of eitherworkshops or one on one career transition work. the outplacement service is hired bythe employer to work with these individuals

How To Address A Cover Letter Human Resources, as they separate. the risk that i can seemight be the leak from the outplacement service in not keeping confidential the project thatthey are working on. that is highly unlikely, it has happened and it is extremely, extremelyembarrassing to the outplacement service and to the employer. so the employer wants tomake sure that the outplacement service keeps

the project confidential. and the work thati've done during the many years of doing outplacement work, we name a project by a different might be project zebra or project alpha. and we don't ever mention the name of thecompany until we actually almost started the project on the day of the announcement ofthe layoffs. and we are on sight the day of the layoffs. we sign in as consultants notthe name of the company that we represent. so other risks might be that the employeewho or employees a few, may be extremely angry about having been released from the organization.they take it out on the outplacement services. the outplacement consultants are highly trainedin dealing with this type of behavior. they talk about the emotional roller coaster inthe workshops and the emotional trauma of

losing a job. which is liken to the deathof a family member going through a major loss, going through a divorce. it is as high a stresslevel as one of those situations. so they are used to dealing with someone who mightdemonstrate behavior of anger and the fact that the outplacement service keeps everythingthat's said confidential. nothing even this employee's behavior would be reported backto the company. emphasizing to that employee that you are the client and i work for youso therefore you and i are going together to move forward past this event. that onceyou can forward you are going to feel better and you are going to be more positive aboutlooking for a position so we move them forward as quickly as we can in order for this negativebehavior not to transfer to the new company

or to their interview. so there's very fewrisks with an outplacement service. there are more positive then negatives but thoseare the couple of risks that i can think of.

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