Friday, June 2, 2017

How To Add Radian Fractions

hello and welcome to the calculator guide video on the drg button and radians we're going to look at changing thecalculator between degrees and radians at the moment it's in degrees we cansee a little d displayed here it can be useful and sometimesessential for some questions to change

How To Add Radian Fractions, from degrees to radians particularlywith the trigonometric functions sine cosine and tangent we're going to change the calculatorfrom degrees to radians we need to access the set up menuso press shift, mode

we're interested in thesecond line 3 for degrees and 4 for radians, we want 4 should see a little r displayed on top for the next part to the video we'regoing to need the calculator in degree mode we just need to access the setup menuagain and press 3 for degrees we're going to use the drg button or degrees radians and gradians to change radian measure into the degree equivalent

the angle we'll use is pi access drg press shift and the ans button we have a choice of 1 for degrees 2 for radians and 3 for the lesser used gradians where 400 gradians is a full circle as our angle of pi is in radians we're going select 2 we can see the degree equivalant of pi radians. 180 degrees which many probablyalready knew

let's try that again this time we'regoing to input 3pi over 4 radians press shift and ans to access the drg function, 2 for radians press equals and we have the degree equivalent 135 degrees we're going to do the same, this time degrees to radians we need our calculator in radian mode

so we need to press set up and 4 for radians we're going to input 120 degrees tofind out what the radian equivalent is input 120 can access the drg function this time want to press one as a measurement is degrees press equals and here we have the radianequivalent two-thirds pi or 2 pi over 3 let's try that one more time this timewith 720 degrees press shift, drg them 1 for degrees. press equals

and here we have the radian equivalentfour pi. well, thank you very much for watching that's it for this video see you nexttime on the calculator guide

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