what i want to do in thisvideo is show you a way of subtracting numbers that isdifferent than the regrouping technique. and this is closer to whati actually do in my head. and this might not bewhat you see in school,
How To Add Fractions With Regrouping, so be careful whileyou're looking at this. some people mightnot fully approve of what i'm about to show you. but the idea, the reasonwhy i'm showing you this
is to understand that there'snot just one way to do things. as long as you understandthe underlying principles, what these numbersrepresent, and you do things that makesense, you should be ok. and what's neatabout this technique is that we don'thave to regroup. we're just going to startwith the hundreds place and keep on moving. so, for example,if i think of 301,
i first want to subtract 100. so 300 minus 100 isgoing to get me to 200. now i need to subtract 60. and so i can think about whatis 20-- two, zero-- minus 6. so this is essentiallysaying what is 200 minus 60? well, 20 minus 6 is 14. so i just subtract, andnow i'm left with 14. and so now the problem hasresulted in 141 minus 9. so i really just have tothink about what-- well,
or i could do what141 minus 9 is. well, 141, it's a littlebit more mental computation than you might be used to. but 141 minus 9 isgoing to be 132. so we are left with 132. let's do this one,same technique. and i encourage youto pause the video and try it yourself,this same technique. well, 9 minus 2, it'sreally 900 minus 200.
you're going tobe left with 700. then 71 minus 8, let'ssee, 11 minus 8 is 13. so you're going tobe left with 63. and now we have tosubtract 633 minus 6. 13 minus 6 is 7. so it's going be 627. and once again, try to pausethe video and do it on your own. so i don't have any hundreds tosubtract, so i can immediately go to 72 minus 8, whichis really 720 minus 80.
but let's just thinkin terms of 72 minus 8. well, 12 minus 8 is 4, so 72minus 8 is going to be 64. so now this is the samething as 641 minus 8. well, 41 minus 8is going to be 33. i have to do a little bitof mental computation here. so this will result in 633.
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