Friday, May 26, 2017

How To Add Fractions For Carpentry

working with fractions in we're gonna doin this case is just you a little division involving fractionsand the main thing you need to remember when dividingfractions is that we turned division into

How To Add Fractions For Carpentry, multiplication so typically the ideas we have one fraction say a/b dividedby another fraction c/d what we do is we leave that thefirst alone that one we're dividing by we weactually flipped end over

so the "d" goes on top, the "c" goes on thebottom and that's it you're the good thingabout multiplication and as when you multiply fractions you justmultiply whatever's on top so "a" times "d" and then you just multiplywhatever's on the bottom "b" times "c" so remember if you are adding orsubtracting fractions you have to have common denominators but multiplications actually a little biteasier because you just multiply across the top and across the bottom in if you can reduce you simplify you dobut i am

added net that's that's it so a case onthe first one we have six divided by two over seven the first thing i always do if i haveany member that's not you know not it's notwritten as a fraction we can always write any number as a fraction by just dividingit by one 6 divided by one is the same thing assix okay so we were dividing by to overseven and now all i'm gonna do you just applymy little rule here and i'm flip the

second fraction and make this six over one times 7 over two you and we can do this we can multiply either cancelfirst but maybe we just multiply six times sevenis 42 divided by two and forty-two dividedby two is 21 notice the other thing we could have done is we could have canceled we could have said you know so there's a 6 on top and two on thebottom well 2 goes into 2 one time when times

and two will go into six 3 times so we simplifywe will get three times seven which would be twenty-one and then on thebottom we have one times one so you can get 21 over one war 21 so typically i tried to cancel thingsout before and multiply i found in my own experience and it makes thingsa little quick and a little easier but as long as you simplify at the end it doesn't reallymatter okay so what's your other example here we have -7/4 divided by 4/7 same idea we just leave the first fraction 11 sonegative 7 number 4

and then i turn my division intomultiplication in my second fraction i just flip itover so now the 7 goes on top and the four goes on the bottom and again now i just multiply the numbers on top so i have -7 times positive 7 that will give me a negative 49 and then 4 times 4 is 16 and in this case nothing will cancel out or reduced so this from your final answer okay so nothing too bad again the main thing with dividingfractions you have to remember

division to do that we turn it intomultiplication and again when multiplying you just do the cross the top across the bottom and you know if you can i would say makeuse of any canceling that's out there

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