we have three different additionproblems right over here. and what i want you to do soyou get the hang of things is to pause the videoand try them on your own. but as you do them, i wantyou to really keep in mind and think about what thecarrying actually means.
How To Add Fractions And Normal Numbers, so i assume you'vetried it on your own. now i'll work throughthem with you. so we have 9 plus 6. 9 ones plus 6 ones.
well 9 plus 6 is 15. well, we can write the5 in the ones place, and then we can carry the one. but what did we just do? w.hat does this 1 represent? well, we put it in the tensplace-- one 10 represents 10. so all we've said is that 9plus 6 is equal to 10 plus 5. is equal to one 10 plus5, which is equal to 15. now, in the tens place, we have1 plus 0 plus 9 which is 10..
so we can write 0 and carrythe 1 1 plus 0 plus 9 is 10. now what does that really mean? well this is 1 ten plus 0 tensplus 9 tens, which is 10 tens. 10 tens is 100. or another way to thinkabout 100, it's 1 hundred, and 0 tens. so that's all thatcarrying represents. so now we have a 1,plus a 7, plus a 9. that is going to be 17.
now we have to remind ourselves,this is in the hundreds place. this is actually 1 hundredplus 7 hundred plus 9 hundred 17 hundred. or 1 thousand, 7 hundred. and of course wehave this 5 here. and we are done. now let's try totackle this one. now the reason whyi wrote it that way is to make sure that weremind ourselves to align
the proper places underthe appropriate places. so this we rewrite as-- let medo that same green color-- we could rewrite thisas 373 plus-- we want to write the onesplace under the ones place, and the tens placeunder the tens place, so that we're addingthe appropriate values. so 3 plus 8 is 11. the 1 in the ones place,and the 1 in the tens place. 10 plus 1 is 11.
1 plus 7 is 8. 8 plus 8 is 16. this is actually 16 tens. so let me justwrite down the 16. what is 16 tens? well, that's 160. so this 6 is a 60, andthen i have a hundred. 1 plus 3 is 4. but these are actuallyhundreds, so it's 4 hundreds.
so we get 461. now finally, 9 plus 3 is 12. 2 ones, and 1 ten. 12 is the samething as 10 plus 2. now in the tens place,1 plus 4 plus 9 is 14. so we write the 4,and carry the 1. but remind ourselves thisis actually 10 plus 40 plus 90, which is 140. which is the samething as 40 plus 100.
and then 1 plus 1 plus 2 is 4. but this is the hundreds place. so this is actually 1 hundred,plus 1 hundred, plus 2 hundred, or 4 hundred. and we're done.
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