Thursday, May 25, 2017

How To Add Fractions And Mixed Numbers

in the previous video, splittingthis three-pack of soap with my wife, she cut itright down the middle. so we each got half of allthree bars, or we got 3/2, or each of us got3/2 bars of soap. now, just to makesure that we really

How To Add Fractions And Mixed Numbers, understand what 3/2is-- and remember, 3/2 is really the samething as 3 divided by 2. if someone says 3divided by 2, you could say, hey, i'm goingto represent that as 3/2.

or someone says 3/2,you could say, well, that's the same thingas 3 divided by 2. but just to reallyunderstand this number, let's actually think aboutwhere we would plot it on a number line, as well. so let me draw anumber line here. i'm going to start that as 0. let me draw a line,as straight a line as i am capable of drawing.

and let's say that thisright over here represents 1. so that would be 1 barof soap in this example. and let's say that thisright over here is 1/2 bar. this is 1/2 bar. and let's say thatthis is 1 and 1/2 bars. and let's say that this rightover here is 2 bars of soap. so we have 3/2. so let's think about this. remember, 3/2 is 3 times 1/2.

or, since we alreadysplit this into halves, we just have to go3 of these halves. so let's do that. so this is 1/2. this is 1/2. now we're going to have 2/2. that takes us to 1. and we know that because2/2 is equal to 1. and now let's do our third half.

our third half isright over here. and so that is 3/2. and we see 3/2 is the exactsame thing as 1 and 1/2. now, just to hitthat point home, we already saw that 3/2 is thesame thing as 3 divided by 2. if you were to divide 3 by2, you would get-- well, 2 goes into 3 exactly one time. and then what wouldyou have left over? well, you wouldhave 1/2 left over.

so 3/2 is the samething as 1 and 1/2, which is exactlywhat we saw here. you could view this as wehave 1 and 1/2 bars of soap. and this is where you wouldplot it on the number line. 3/2 is halfway inbetween 1 and 2.

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