Thursday, May 25, 2017

How To Add Fractions And Improper Fractions

identify 15/8, or 15over 8, as a proper or an improper fraction. so this is actuallyjust a good review of proper andimproper fractions. and there's a pretty easyway to identify them.

How To Add Fractions And Improper Fractions, you have a proper fraction ifyour numerator-- so this right here is your numerator,the number on top. let me just label them,numerator and denominator. you have a properfraction if your numerator

is less than your denominator. and if you don't havea proper fraction, you have an improper fraction. so your improper fractionis if your numerator is greater than or equalto your denominator. and over here, actually, allthe numbers are positive. but if you had somenegative numbers here, then you would actually say theabsolute value of the numerator is less than the absolutevalue of the denominator,

for a proper fraction. and the absolutevalue of the numerator is greater than or equalto the absolute value of the denominator foran improper fraction. so let me just writethat down, just to be a little bitmore particular here, because we could have negativenumbers in either the numerator or the denominator. anyway, let's goback to this problem.

15 is clearly greaterthan or equal to 8. so 15 is greaterthan or equal to 8, so we are dealing withan improper fraction.

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