Wednesday, May 24, 2017

How To Add Fractions 3rd Grade

the amount of rain that fallsin various cities in france varies. the line plot below showsthe average monthly rainfall in 13 different cities. measurements are rounded to thenearest 1/4 of a centimeter.

How To Add Fractions 3rd Grade, how much more rainfalls in the rainiest city than the secondrainiest city? so let's make sure weunderstand what they're calling a line plotright over here.

each of these dotsrepresents one of the cities whose averagemonthly rainfall was measured. and so, for example,putting this dot here shows that this isthe only city that had 6 centimeters ofaverage monthly rainfall. here, this shows thatthere were two cities that had an average monthlyrainfall of-- looks like 8 and 3/4 centimeters. there are two cities that hadan average monthly rainfall

of 12 and 3/4 centimeters. so at any givenamount of rainfall, it's essentiallyshowing you how many cities had that amount ofrainfall on average per month. now that we understandthis diagram, let's answer the question. how much more rain fallsin the rainiest city? so the rainiest cityhere, well, there's only one city that's up hereat 13 and 1/2 centimeters

of rainfall. so this right over here,let me mark this off. this is 13 and 1/2 centimeters. how much more rain fallsin the rainiest city than in the secondrainiest city? well, this is thesecond rainiest city, is this city right over here. this is 13 and 1/4 centimeter. so the difference between thetwo is just one notch here.

it's just one notch, goingfrom 13 and 1/4 to 13 and 1/2, so one notch right over here. we see that there's fournotches per centimeter. one notch over here is1/4 of a centimeter. so just looking atit, you could say that the difference is1/4 of a centimeter. now, if it wasn't soclear, because here we're just looking onenotch right over here, you could take thelarger of the two

and subtract from thatthe smaller of the two. so you could take 13and 1/2, and from that, subtract 13 and 1/4. and there's multipleways of doing this. you could subtractthe 13 from the 13, and then subtractthe 1/4 from the 1/2, and then you would get 1/4. another way is youcould convert these both into improper fractions.

so 13 and 1/2 is thesame thing as 2 times 13 is 26 plus 1 is 27. so that's 27/2. and then we could say minus--let's see, 4 times 13 is 52, plus 1 is 53, so minus 53/4. and then in order todo the subtraction, you have to have thesame denominator. and so 4 is a multipleof 2, so we just have to multiply the numeratorand denominator here by 2.

so we have 54/4 minus 53/4,which is equal to-- well, 54 minus 53 is 1, over4-- 1/4 of a centimeter. for this problem, this wouldclearly be a little bit too much that youwould have to do. but this is usefulto know just in case it wasn't as obviousthat these weren't just next to each other.

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