Wednesday, May 24, 2017

How To Add Compound Fractions

find the reciprocalof 2 and 4/5. so if we want to invert thisfraction, we have to write it as a pure fraction first, oras an improper fraction. right now, it's justa mixed number. so let's just write it asan improper fraction.

How To Add Compound Fractions, so 2 and 4/5, if we write it asan improper fraction, it's still going to be over 5, butthe numerator is now going to be 5 times 2 plus 4, and that'sbecause 2 is 10/5, or 2 times 5 fifths.

so let's write it like that. so it's going to be2 times 5 plus 4. 2 times 5 is 10. 10/5 is the same thing as 2, andthen the 4/5 is this 4/5 right there. so this is going to be equalto 2 times 5 is 10 plus 4 is 14: 14/5. so these are equivalentfractions. this is written asa mixed number.

this is written as animproper fraction. it's improper because thenumerator is bigger than the denominator. now we want to findthe reciprocal. when you find the reciprocal,you just switch the numerator and the denominator. you just flip the fraction. so if you want to take thereciprocal-- let me do this in a new color.

if we want to take thereciprocal of this, we just swap the 5 and the 14. so this is going to be--instead of 14/5, it's going to be 5/14. and we're done!

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