Saturday, May 20, 2017

How To Activate Iphone With Straight Talk

hey guys james here from wirelessrealities again figuring i would take a few minutes to show you how to unlock your device freewith at&t u s cellular and verizon and you don't need to be a customer acustomer in order to unlock them real quick verizon they don't lock their devices so youdon't need to get a hold of him and do an unlock all you need to do is put yoursim card and put your apn settings if

How To Activate Iphone With Straight Talk, you need to depending on the device andyou're good to go then we have you us cellular us cellular doesn't lock allthe devices most of them they unlock some of them can't be unlocked as ourscdma they do lock iphones so you do have to call them in order to get an iphoneunlocked it usually takes about 72 hours

or so they tell you they're really easyto deal with you just said to give him a call i'm gonna post a linked to theirunlocking policy in the description and other show you which devices are lockedand which ones are unlocked as you can see here and then the requirements forunlocking devices that are locked and then we have at&t at&t other phones come locked you have to request an unlock code in order to unlock them but they have agreat set up on their website which are also post a link for in the descriptiontheir general requirements you know the basic it can't be lost or stolen can't havea bill or on it you know all this stuff right here in the first page and i'mgonna go through this with you and show

you how easy it is a mark especially fora non at&t customer so as you can see the requirements are right here forpostpaid prepaid and non at&t customers it does state that if you request morethan a hundred unlock codes in a month they could cut you off and not let you getanymore unlock codes so all you need to do is check mark here where it saysyou've read and agree to the requirements you could continue yourchoices up here on whether your current customer previous customer prepaid gophones and non at&t mobility customer so if i click on the non at&t mobilitycustomer you can see all you have to do is put in your imei it'll generate thebrand and model of itself your first and

last name and your email address and ofcourse the captcha now after you click submit your receive an e-mail e-mailwill ask you to go to at&t to confirm that you actually ordered that unlockcode and if you're doing this monday through friday you'll receive an unlockcode pretty much instantly usually i get mine within a couple seconds they couldtake a few minutes they can take up to 48 hours but usually they don't take thatlong if you do do an unlock code late enough on a friday you will not receiveit until monday when your phone is unlocked you'll receive an e-mail likethis just states your unlock request number that the devices are marked inthe directions on how to unlock it so i

hope this helps today holds do a lot ofcool videos and help people out shows the product and obviously you know withwireless realities were trying to improve the industry for consumers anddealers so make sure you like subscribe to share you know let's get some peopleon board and then check out some of the cool stuff working on

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