Tuesday, May 2, 2017

How To Access Icloud Backup On Computer

my ipad is asking for the wrong apple id.what do i do? that’s a common problem if you bought anew device and changed your apple id to a new email address. and it can happen if youupgrade the ios. it keeps asking for the old id credentials– and you can’t change the password or email address.

How To Access Icloud Backup On Computer, the problem is probably because you have theold id associated somewhere else like icloud. go to icloud and verify the email address,or delete the old account. i don’t have icloud. you may need to go to settings, itunes, appleid and deliberately log out with your old

id. after you’ve logged out with the oldid, log in with the new one. i don’t think i’m still associated withthe old id. go to appleid.apple.com and verify which emailaddress is associating with your account. your new id might simply be listed as an alternate,not the primary. why does it keep remembering my old appleid? all the content you bought with the priorapple id is still associated with it. i don’t want to delete all the content ipaid for in order to eliminate a login problem. i have more money tied up in those files thani do the iphone and ipad. you can eliminate that association by re-downloadingall the old content from itunes via the cloud.

i don’t know if i know how to do that. a simple way might be doing a complete restorevia an icloud backup. doing a full restore from backup is the appleequivalent of control-alt-delete on microsoft machines. it’s the default solution fora lot of conversations. the only problem with this restoration solutionis that it only restores paid content, not anything else you have on the device. don’t worry. i can find the rest of it againon bittorrent again.

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