there's been a pretty important change tohow the settings app deals with your apple id in ios 10.3. before you had all these different placeswhere you had to look for your apple id mostly at your icloud account. but now if you go to settings in ios 10.3,at the top of settings you can see your name
How To Access Icloud Backup For Iphone, and one place to get to all the differentthings your apple id is connected to. so if we tap on it and go into it you'll seea picture there at the top. your name, the email address that is yourapple id email address is the one you use to login and then you see all this differentinformation about your apple id.
you've got your name, phone numbers and emailall associated with your apple id there at the very top. you can go in and this is where you can changeall of this, take a look at it, you can also see information about getting updates fromapple there at the bottom. you've got password and security. this is where you can change your password,change your security questions, or more importantly you should be using two factor authentication. the only reason i'm not here is that thisis a demo account. i create these demo, throw away accounts allthe time to demonstrate things.
but for my main account you can certainlybet i'm using two factor authentication. then you've got a rescue email address whichis very important to have. if you have a backup email address somewhereyou can use that as well for security. then you've got information like payment andshipping where you can set your address for things. you've got then icloud. this is where all the information that usedto be under the icloud tab here in settings is located. so you have all the different services you'reusing for icloud.
where they are turned on and off and differentways you can modify them like go into photos and determine which parts of icloud you'reusing for photos. you've got your storage there at the top. then you've got the itunes and app store settingshere. so you can see it's all in one place. so now, you know, before you could possiblyhave to look in two different places for itunes stuff and for icloud stuff. you still notice you can change it. i can tap here and i can use a different appleid for itunes, which some people need to do.
but for the most part you should be usingthe same one. then you've got family sharing next if youuse that. then you have all the different devices thatyou've registered to your apple id. so, for instance, i can go in and take a lookat this one here and i can, if i would verify my identity there, i can go in and kick thatold device, maybe one i've sold, off of my apple id there. on the left side, if you go down, you willsee where you normally saw icloud settings. it's gone. it's not there anymore.
itunes and app store is still there and noticeit takes you to exactly the same screen that you saw before. you still have that available and you stillhave wallet & apple pay there as a separate thing for devices that support using applepay. so you've got that there as well. but for the most part apple consolidated everythinghaving to do with your apple id here in settings under this heading here. it makes things a lot more straight forwardand drives home the importance of your apple id which is also your id for icloud, for itunes,for everything apple.
so it's all in one place now in ios 10.3 andyou can get to it easily. if you haven't checked it out yet it's probablya good time to go through it, check it out. if you're not using two factor authenticationthis is really the time to turn it on. everybody should be using that.
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