hey youtube! tech intimidation here. today we're gonna talk about how to eliminatethat message pops up way too much saying your icloud storage is full. i'm going to give you a few easy steps onhow to manage your storage on icloud and how
How To Access Icloud Backup Contacts, to eliminate that message, so that you don'thave to look at it every time you try to use your phone. so lets go to settings, and you want to scrolldown to icloud. then you want to go to storage.
in here it shows how much total storage youhave, 5 gb is what you're given for free. the next line, available, is how much spaceyou currently have left. click on manage storage and in here you'llsee a list of any devices that are currently backing up to your icloud. it could be, well it most certainly will bethe iphone your looking at this on, as well as any other devices you have that are associatedwith your apple id. so click on your phone there, and then itsgoing to tell you the last time you backed up your phone, how big that back up was andthen the next size of a backup you'll be doing. so, the first step when looking at this screenis you want to turn off iphoto library backup.
so this is going to say do you really wantto turn this off and its going to delete the backup from icloud. thats ok. the photos are still going to be on you phone,there just no longer going to be on icloud, and thats ok, turn it off. as well as any other apps here you might aswell turn those off too but i'll show you another place to go to turn them off in mass. but i only have one so i'm just gonna turnit off. ok, then go back, and the next place you wantto check is under icloud and go to icloud
drive. this will backup all of your apps and theirdata to your icloud. if you don't care about that you can go aheadand turn it off, i would recommend turning it off to save space. next, go to photos, and make sure that icloudphoto library is turned off. this backs up all of your photos to icloudand will use up space on icloud. make sure this is off. then i also turn off all these for mail, contacts,calendars and so on... all the way through down to the bottom three are the only onesieave on which are keychain, backup and find
my iphone. backup allows you to backup your actual iphoneoperating system and settings and the find my iphone is turning on the feature that allowsyou use the find my iphone and lost mode that i have another video about and i'll put acard up in the corner here that you can click on to watch a video about how to use and setupthat. those should be the only three at the verybottom that should be on. ok, so with these settings now lets applythem. again i only have 316 mb available currentlylets go ahead and apply these settings that i've made now.
go to backup, and click back up now. and i'll check back when this is completed. ok, the new backup has completed. lets go and check on our settings and seewhat has changed. so if we go back up to storage, you now seethat there is 316 mb available, is what we had, and now its at 3.83 gb available. so we just freed up more than 3 gb of spaceand we should no longer get this warning message popping up for us. again, if want to back up your phone directlyto your computer you can, just plug your phone
with a usb cord and you can back up your phoneusing itunes and you can back up your photos and videos using the photos app or what everapp that you use on windows to manage your photos. thats all i have for today! thanks for watching, please like and subscribe.
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