every so often i get a question from somebodywho is looking to clear off space from their hard drive. they do a search and they find this folderin their home folder under library, application support, mobilesync. there's a backup folder and there's a bunchof these folders in here.
How To Access Icloud And Delete, some of them are pretty big. if i grab this folder you can see there'sa ton of files in it. command i to get info i can see it's almost27 gb. they figure out these backup files here arebackups of their ios devices, iphones, ipads,
ipod touches and such. when they think about it they think well whyhave all of these. there are just three here but sometimes thereare dozens of these things and take up tons of space. these are, indeed, the backup files for yourdevices. when you go into itunes and you backup yourdevice it creates a folder and it puts all this stuff in it. it is a full backup of your device. but if you only have say one iphone or aniphone and an ipad why do you have a ton of
these different files and can you get ridof them to clear up space. well, usually you can get rid of a lot ofthem but you shouldn't do it here. you should actually get out of this. this is under library, application support. you shouldn't mess with the files in here. but you can get access to them by going intoitunes. in itunes you can go to itunes preferencesand click on devices. itunes, of course, is the app making thesebackups so it keeps a record of them. i can see here three different backups.
two of them really recent and they're my currentdevices so i want those. but i do have this older device that hasn'tbeen backed up in a while. i can click it and select delete backup andit will cleanly do the deletion of all those files for me and do it in the proper way. you can also, by the way, control click onit not only to delete but to show in finder to jump to it or select archive and what itwill do is it will then save this backup and not delete it and replace it with a new backupthe next time i hit the backup button or sync my device. so, for instance, if i was about to upgradeto a new version of ios i may want to do that
and then just basically save the state ofmy current device as it is now before the backup and not have it overwritten. of course that will then add to the clutterso then you do want to go back and delete that backup later on. you can see it gives you a date and time herewhen you do an archive backup so you do have some reference point.
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