you know you deserve that raise, but you'rejust not sure how to ask for it. my name is gloria campbell with advantage training systemsin st. petersburg florida, telling you how to ask for a raise. several things you wantto make sure that you have covered, number one, make sure you've done a good job, makesure you deserve a raise, and also that you can document it. so anything that you've beenrewarded for, any projects that you've taken
How Not To Ask For A Raise, on, also make sure you have your performanceappraisal with you, you want to make sure that those are the types of thing that youhave. couple of other things to consider, one, mondays and fridays are not good daysto ask for a raise, monday because normally there's too many things going on, and fridaynobody really wants to talk about a raise,
they're ready to get out of there and geton with the weekend. so make sure you pick your time, make sure that you have all ofyour information together, you've done your research, you know what the pay grade rangesare for that particular position within your company, and make sure you've done a greatjob and you deserve that raise, if you do, it's a given. my name is gloria campbell i'mwith advantage training systems located in st. petersburg florida, telling you how tomake sure you get the raise that you deserve.
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