Saturday, April 29, 2017

How Long To U Boil Eggs

[intro music] how to cook an easy hard-boiled egg? it should not be. however, boiling and overcooking the eggs may result in the gray-like discolouration

How Long To U Boil Eggs, around the yolks. and rubbery texture egg whites. to make the perfect hard-boiled eggs, you need eggs, vinegar, rock-salt. place the eggs in an empty saucepan,

then add the vinegar, the rock-salt and cover with cold water, making sure that the eggs are covered by one inch of water. the eggs are really covered by an inch of water, then take the saucepan to the stove. over high heat, bring the water to boil. the water is boiling, then turn down the heat, and keep the water simmering for 10 minutes. if your eggs were not at room temperature

and were coming from the fridge, then boil them for 12 minutes. time is up. i have been simmering for 10 minutes. so then, turn down the heat and place the sauce-pan in a sink. drop the water. and refill the eggs with cold water to cool them down and stop cooking. there is a way to differentiate hard-boiled eggs and raw eggs, let me show you.

a raw egg, when you spin it, will just wobble because of its liquid centre. and hard-boiled egg, when you spin it, oops, will spin very well. to easily peel the egg, crack the egg on a hard surface all-around, then roll the egg with the palm of your hand and then, just pick-up the shell. so you have to find the membrane,

and you will able to peel it easily. then wash the eggs to remove tiny pieces of shell. cut the eggs in half using a paring knife. so gently holding the egg, cut slowly through the egg. nice. the yolk is cooked in the centre, and not greyish or dark on the outside. your eggs are ready to be used in your favourite preparations or you may keep them refrigerated for 7 days.

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