Saturday, April 29, 2017

How Long To Boiled Eggs Keep In The Fridge

("dio e zingaro" by municipale balcanica) - hi, i'm jerry james stone and you're watching cooking stoned. today, you're gonna see acooking stoned quick tip. i'm gonna show you how to store kale.

How Long To Boiled Eggs Keep In The Fridge, now there's a secret to this because how you store kale affects a few things. one, the taste, but alsoother vegetables and fruits in the refrigerator will affect kale,

and stay tuned and i'll show you how. so when you're storingkale, the first thing, you never, ever, ever, ever want to do, never pre-wash your kale. you'll see a lot of blog postsand videos out there about washing it, drying it, and thenwrapping it in paper towels and storing it in thefridge, and do not do that. that's the worst thing you can do. kale, i mean, you can just see,

it just has all this lovely texture to it. it's bumpy, you know, and as a result, it's just really hardto get it completely dry once you wash it, and so, that's just gonna make it easier to spoil. and so, there's just noway to guarantee that. so the best thing to do with kale is to just leave it dry asyou get it at the store. and we're still gonna usethe paper towel method,

i mean, it's a really good idea. you just don't wanna washanything first, is the problem. so, lay down some paper towels. and take your kale,and just roll the kale, tightly, in that. and then we're just gonnastick that in a bag. now, ideally, if you could seal the bag, that would be wonderful, butkale usually comes in pretty rather large bunches, so just getting it

as airtight as you possiblycan will do the trick. this should keep the kalefresh for up to a week. keep in mind though, freshkale does tend to get bitter as it ages, so really, using it as quickly as possible is ideal. like, i'm gonna go make some amazing kale baked eggs in a second. so stay tuned for that recipe. something i forgot to mention is

one of kale's biggest enemies, the apple. the reason for this, is kaleis, it's extremely sensitive. it's sensitive to ethylene,which a lot of produce puts off. so, apples and tomatoes,which you shouldn't store in the refrigeratoranyway, are things that you don't want to store next to kale. but that full list, or someof those things are apples, apricots, avocados, bananas,cantaloupe, figs, honeydew, nectarines, peaches,pears, plums, and tomatoes.

now, the thing is,because it's so sensitive, you don't wanna storeit next to the stuff, but you also just want touse it up really quickly. so, anyway, that's howyou store kale, enjoy.

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