Saturday, April 29, 2017

How Long To Boil Eggs Question Mark

- [voiceover] and, action. (groans) - oh boy. really, do i have to catch this? - [voiceover] oh yeah.

How Long To Boil Eggs Question Mark, - you guys knowwhat that is, right? that's my old archnemesis, the toe biter. he's down there hunting. and mark wants me to stickmy hand under the water

and catch him. i really gotta catch this? - [voiceover] yeah. and why am i just the bad guy? - i don't know, cause you'rethe guy with the camera, and you want the shot. alright, here we go, ready? nothing makes me morenervous than this. i'm gonna try to grab himright from behind, ready?

(suspenseful music) got him. look at that gross bugger! and i know everybody'swatching me right now saying coyote, areyou gonna get stung by the toe biter today? absolutely not! oh man, if i were to letgo of his back right now he would pull himself into me.

and their proboscisup front there, looks like a giant needle. would go right into my finger. i think i might be morecreeped out by this thing than i am the giantdesert centipede. he's trying to get me. let me see, get your, getyour pincer over here. oh yeah look at that. (frightened gasp)

jeez, they are so powerful. - [voiceover] didhe almost get you? - [coyote] he did almost get me. jeez they are so powerful. - he did almost get me. that's cause he grabsme with his little arms, and then tries toget the stinger. you see that? that's what getsyou, right there.

look he's reaching for me. i've been stung before, itis unbelievably painful. - [voiceover] beargrylls would do it. - no he would not. nobody in their rightmind would do this, i'd get bitten by analligator any day, as compared to beingstung by this thing. ah! oh he's like an alien!

okay, now i'm not willingto be stung by this, but watch how violentlythey attack, watch this. look at that. oh my gosh if you guys had anyidea how powerful this was. look at that, this thing islatched on to my flashlight. he's holding theflashlight right now. and he is trying to sting. look at that, he is latchedon to my flashlight, and that's what they do.

if you're walkingthrough a swamp, they will grab onto yourleg, bury those claws in. whoa! and then sting youwith that stinger. come here you little bugger. whoa they are so powerful! alright, i'm putting himback, can i put him back? - [voiceover] yeah youcan put him back now. - please?

okay, ready? - [voiceover]bring it up on him. - [coyote] i'm gonna puthim right here, ready? - [voiceover] action.- [coyote] one, two, three. (laughing) i'm outta here! if you think this giantwater bug was creepy, go back and have a look atthe furry puss caterpillar, and don't forget, subscribe,to join me and the crew,

on this season ofbreaking trail. look at that, those arewhat dig into your skin. and you go to petit, and you're like, (painful groans) your hand is on fire. and actually, i thinki got a couple of them that touched my finger, causemy finger's starting to itch. (animal growls and howls)

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