i used to throw my eggs in boiling water,and just let them boil for 15 minutes in the boiling water. that's wrong. i'm here to showyou how to boil an egg correctly. then it won't end up green and smelly on the inside.it will be a white outside with a beautiful yellow yolk on the inside. here's how to doit, dude. the first step is we're going to put all these eggs in the pot before the wateris in. that way we don't crack any of them
How Long To Boil Eggs From Cold Water, as we set them in. now we're filling up thebowl with water, until the eggs are just covered with water. a little more. all right, so nowi've got cold water. all right, we're going to turn this on high, and we're gonna letthe water heat up until it gets to a rolling boil, and not just little bubbles, but lotsof bubbles. every stove top is different.
i'm around three minutes now, and my eggsaren't fully boiling yet. you can see it's starting to boil, but it's not a rolling boil.all right, it looks like it took like 6 to 7 minutes. this is a rolling boil. i don'twant to get my camera too close. so now the heat's off but it's still in a rolling boil.we're going to cover it. cover this bad boy. oooh. okay. start. at five minutes, i'm goingto take an egg out. so we're nearly at five minutes. i'm going to take off the lid ofmy eggs, and then i'm going to do this left handed, so wish me luck. i'm going to getan egg out. you're supposed to run these under cold water for a little while because theypeel better then. cold water. so we're just over ten minutes. i'm going to take out anotheregg. so it's been over 15 minutes now they've
been sitting in the hot water. so here's therest of my eggs. all right. usually what i do just to not waste water, is i fill it up,and then it sit for a little bit, and then i'll dump it out, and i'll do it again becausethe eggs hold a lot of heat and it will get the water warm again. so there are my eggsthat are done. i'm going to drain the water quick, but first here's one i already didtake out. there's my 5 minute egg, my 10 minute egg, my 15 minute egg after they were boiling.to peel them, it's really easy. you just crack them and roll. crack and roll. see. puttingit in cold water helps. it's hard to peel it one handed, but, see, it comes off reallyeasy if you run it under cold water for a little bit after you boil it. see, it's alittle bit mushy. the white stuff is all good,
but yeah, it's a little doughy in there. squish.squish. just peeled 10. here it is. let's see it. hi ya! would you look at that. it'is a little harder. not super hard. so, five, ten, 15 minutes sitting in the hot water.stop sliding around. uhh. yeah. it's hard boiled. what do you know? so there you haveit. how to hard boil an egg. here's my 15 minute, and notice, it's not green. before,i used to just let it sit in rolling boiling water for 15 minutes. that was a bad idea.they would be all green and egg smelly. these seem better. delicious. all right. that'show to do it, dude. bye.
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