hey guys my name is caitlin and welcome backto cait straight up! it is the tuesday after easter meaning the easter bunny has left thebuilding. leaving behind lots of left over hard boiled eggs. i'm sure by now if you celebratedeaster that you have had tons of eggs all different kinds of egg recipes. but like lotsof other times here on cait straight up we want to take a typical egg recipe and makeit a little bit more fun. so today we are
How Long To Boil Eggs Deviled, making my salmon wasabi deviled eggs. we startedby slicing our hard boiled eggs in half and we're going to start scooping out the centersinto the mixing bowl. they should come out fairly easily if you just give them a littlesqueeze and pop the top with the spoon. we're then moving the egg white off to the sideand we're going to start making our mixture.
we're going to break up our yolks and thenstart adding our other ingredients. for spices we are going to do a little bit of parsley,some onion powder, some pepper and a little bit of salt. next we're adding a little bitof mayo and then we're going to add a little bit of sour cream. secret ingredient. so nowwe just mixing that all up a little bit making sure that everything is evenly distributedbefore we go ahead and restuff our eggs. we are going to take our egg white and just puta little bit of the yellow mixture and just squish it right in the center. you're goingto continue that for each of your eggs. fitting it in like so. so i'm just chopping up somevery fine pieces of some smoked salmon that i'm going to go ahead and lay over the topafter i got those pieces i'm just going to
kind of fold them onto each egg. kind of fluffthem up a little bit. the next step is to drizzle with wasabi. now i've seen this inlots of different shapes and sizes and bottles at the super market and i was lucky enoughto find this nice nice packaged one at wegmans. which is actually perfect for this recipe.i can just clip a tiny hole into the end and squeeze it out on top. for me here igot myslit right in the bottom and just start drizzling the wasabi over my eggs. remember wasabi isway hot so you want to add the amount you are comfortable with. last step we're sprinklingwith some sesame seeds and then we are going to plate them to serve. and walla! delicioussalmon wasabi deviled eggs. easy enough right guys. subscribe to cait straight up for newvideo recipes every tuesday. we are always
honoring requests so make sure to includethat in the comments below or tweet at me @caitstraightup. any questions about thisrecipe or comments about the video make sure to include that as well and other than thatguys i can't wait to see you next week here in my kitchen on cait straight up. can't waitto see you bye bye!
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