Friday, July 7, 2017

How To Animate Google Slides On Ipad

today i'm gonna tellyou guys about an app that you can use on youripad, or your tablet, or even your iphone, to turn itinto a whiteboard screen, that you can then record anduse as a part of your videos. that's coming up.

How To Animate Google Slides On Ipad, [music playing] hey, guys. my name is tim schmoyer. and it's thursday,which means it's time

to do some youtubeq&a with you guys. felipe cruz wrote andasked this. "hey, tim. at the beginningof your video, you reference using a whiteboard. seemed like an ipad or tablet. if so, what app did you use?" yeah, good question. i found it pretty helpfulin several of my videos here to use kind of like a whiteboardto draw something, illustrate

something, or kind ofusing it as a teaching tool to teach somethingthat's a little bit easier with some visuals than itwould be for me to just kind of animate the wholething on screen or something like that. it's actuallyreally simple to do. all i do is pull up the appcalled paper on my ipad. and then i just simplyrecord my ipad screen using a program on mycomputer called airserver.

and the airserverprogram lets me simply use the airplayfeature on my ipad to mirror my ipad screenon to my computer. then i simply, inairserver, can just click a little record button,and record it right there on my computer. it saves it as a movie file. and then i take that moviefile, and then just import it into my overall videoproject, and then just kind

of edit it as necessary. i've already did a video thatgoes into more detail about how to record your ipad screen. so click right here. there's a link inthe description below that willtake you to that. kind of just startwalking through the step by step process. and i also put a link downthere to the paper app

that i use on ipad. i'm sure there's many otherapps that you could use. and if you guys whoare watching this have one that you wouldsuggest as really good, that's got like awhiteboard type of a feel, please talk about thosein the comments below. and i'll link thoseup and mention them. so the rest of youguys, if you're looking for somethingother than paper--

maybe looking for somethingthat's free and maybe just as good, like-- i love paper. i use it. i totally think it'sworth the money. but maybe some of you guys areon a little bit tighter budget. so check out thecomments down there, what other peopleare suggesting. if using a whiteboardin some of your videos is something thatyou would consider,

i'd love to hear how youwould use them in your videos, and how they mightbe helpful for you. and the rest of you guys,again, go down there and look, if you're lookingfor some ideas of how you might incorporate thisinto your content. so comments below. if this is yourfirst time, i would love to have you subscribe. every thursday i do youtube q&awith you guys just like this.

on tuesday, we'll take a lookat some online video news, talk about the updates thatare happening to this platform here on youtube,and the implications it has for us as creators. and then on wednesday,i just give you guys some easy tips,ideas, suggestions, advice, things like that-- all tohelp you guys really spread a message through your channelsto reach the people who need to hear whatyou have to say.

so thank you for lettingme be a part of that. subscribe, and i'll seeyou guys again next week. bye.

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