Saturday, July 1, 2017

How To Airdrop Onto Ipad

today, i'm going to give youguys a little tutorial of how to record the screenof your iphone or your ipad or any iosdevice into a video file. that is coming up. [static]

How To Airdrop Onto Ipad, hey, guys, my nameis tim schmoyer. and it's thursday. time for some youtubeq&a. paul turner asked this-- how are yourecording from your ipad?

great question, paul. i do this on my videos here,on video creators whenever i'm trying todemonstrate a new app or show you where certainfeatures are found and set up the new youtubeapp or something like that. and i also use it when i wantto have a mock whiteboard where i can draw and scribble anddraw diagrams and explain what i'm talking about. and the way i do this isactually very simple, thanks

to that airplay featurethat's built into ios. airplay lets medisplay my screen on any device that'sconnected to an apple tv. but in my case, i wantto display my ipad screen on my computer. and the way i do that is i use alittle program called airserver that lets me display my iosscreen straight on my computer screen. i open up the airserverprogram on my computer,

and then it starts lookingfor ios devices that are using airplay toshare their screens. and then i go to my ios device,go to airplay to share it. and then boom, it just pops upright on my computer screen. now, the trick tocapturing the photos is actually just to usea screen capture program. if you are a mac, quicktime hasscreen capture built right in, screen recording. i personally prefer to useishowu hd, which i will link up

in the description text foryou guys below this video. and i prefer it, becauseit uses way less cpu power. so it actually has a lotsmoother video recording of my screen. it has way more optionsas far as recording audio and other things. and it's very easyfor me to select which window i want to record. and in this case, it's theairserver window-- and record

only that, rather thanmy entire desktop. at that point, i simply hitrecord on my screen capture program. and i do whatever i needto do on my ios device. and then when i'mdone, i end recording. and boom, i have a video fileof my ipad or iphone right on my computer forme to use to edit into one of my other videos orjust upload as a demonstration or do whatever i'd like with.

i will link up toairserver and ishowu hd both in thedescription text below, if you want a link to godirectly to those apps and find out more about them. and if any of you guys makevideos of apps or screen capture mobilegaming or anything like that-- i watch alot of clash of clans, so that's always fun-- i'dlove to hear from you guys in the comments belowabout how you use this

and what you captureand what tools you use to capture thevideo from your ios devices. and for you guys on android, ifyou have some great tutorials about this, please linkup below to those as well. and if you guys arelooking for something that has to do withandroid, look for the links down there thatpeople are sharing. if this is your first time here,i'd love to have you subscribe. every tuesday, we take a lookat online video news and talk

about the implications ithas for us as creators. on wednesdays, to giveyou guys some youtube tips and ideas andsuggestions and advice. and then on thursdays we do justlike what you saw here today. and i answer a questionfrom one of you guys, because i really wantto help you guys. i believe that some of youhave messages that can really change the world andinfluence people's lives and make this worlda better place.

and i want to do all that ican to help you and support you in growing your audience andbuilding your youtube channel and spreading your messageso that as many people can hear your message as possible. so thank you for lettingme be a part of that. subscribe, and i will seeyou guys again next week. bye.

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