Friday, June 30, 2017

How To Airdrop On Mac Desktop

hey youtube! tech intimidation. today we're gonnatalk about using quicktime player to record your screen on your computer andthe screen of your iphone. so you don't have to just take a video camera andpoint it at your iphone, you can actually use your computer and quicktime playerto do that. right now i'm currently recording this video with quicktimeplayer using the screen recording option.

How To Airdrop On Mac Desktop, i can't show it to you because i'malready using it. but what happens is it brings up a recording screen not unlikethe movie recording one, and it will give you options to choose from toselect a camera or just the laptop screen and microphones you can eitheruse the built-in microphone of the

laptop or from your phone or you canplug in your headphones from your iphone to use as your microphone. i recommendjust using the internal mic on the computer it works just fine. and that'sactually how i'm recording this right now it's with quicktime and the screenrecording option. right here. the next thing that you can do is record youriphone's screen. you can record your iphone by just connecting it to yourcomputer with usb. and then once its connected with usb go to new movierecording. you may not see anything at first but you just want to make surethat when you click the little arrow, that the camera is using your iphone and you probably still

want to use your internal microphone i'mgonna turn it off so i don't get feedback. and then the next thing is tomake sure that your phone is actually on and not on a black screen so mines on ablack screen so i don't see anything yet but as soon as i turn it on the phonecomes up and you can see it right here. so then you would just press record andspeak over whatever you want to record or just do whatever you want a record onyour phone. but it will show up right there so ihit emergency its gonna switch to the emergency screen, all that stuff. so that'show you can record not only your laptop or your computer's desktop screen butalso your iphone screen using quicktime

player. and it's free with the operating system that comes onyour macintosh. thanks for watching!

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