so today's video is going to be how toset up your peer to peer airplay with that basically means is that youcan take your laptop your mac book air and broadcast it to your big hdmi tv through your apple tv now apple tvs arerelatively inexpensive and they pay to get them if you do havean hdmi a laptop
How To Airdrop Laptop, especially if you have a lot of videoson your laptop and you would like to broadcast them onto your big hdmi screen so in order to set up it's not difficultat all the first thing you have to do is is set-up a setting for airplay on yourapple tv
and then open up a setting on your maclaptop what we start off with is the apple tv and i'll show you a little video herethat i made on had it set the setting on the apple tv so here you go for thatso the first thing to set up on your apple tv is to click on your settingschannel in that name general settings menu scroll down to airplay select it and thenselect airplay if it's off or on it will say it on the rightright just click it to be on and then scroll down to apple tv name torename it if you have multiple devices
that's all it takes to set it up on your apple tv once you've done it right make sure yourapple tv is on the same wifi as your laptop once you do that you should be able to see this icon upin the menu even if its disconnected it should show up if you don't see itopen up your display preferences in your system's preferences which basically if i got to my systempreferences under the apple menu here and then you can say airplay display on or off
you can actually select it andi've named mine bedroom apple tv so that is the one i would choose to broadcast it in here you can also turn that on which actually brings that icon into your top bar there so i woulddefinitely select that on and if you want youcan turn the airplay display on over here or you can simply connect to it overhere the other option that you can do is type inairplay
and you have to spell it right right over here and you have a selectionof audio streaming or mirroring options i just showed you the mirroring optionshere is where you have another selection for audio now if you want the output to come in from the internal of yourspeakers then you would select that one but if you want to come out of yourapple tv then you would select this one and onceyou do that it's a simple as connecting the two bycoming up to your apple menu selecting
bedroom apple tv and it will blink like that andbroadcaster right on screen which it is right now for me so goodluck to you on that it that's a simple it is to set it up sometimes you do have to select it twicebut once it's selected you should see it that it's connected if you wantdisconnected you would simply select disconnect that's all there is to it it's verysimple and i wish everybody the best of luck trying it out
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