Thursday, June 29, 2017

How To Airdrop Iphoto Library

my name is ryan hartigan from econtechnolgies,the creators of chronosync and chronoagent. this is a two part series on how to sync filesbetween two macs using chronosync. to view the screencast on configuring a sync documentto sync between two macs, click the link below. in this first part, i’m going to show youhow to setup a file sharing connection between an imac and macbook pro, both running os x,version 10.7.3.

How To Airdrop Iphoto Library, the imac will be considered the local chronosyncmac and the macbook pro will be considered the remote mac in this example.if you’re using a different version of os x, the steps might be slightly different foryou. without further ado, let’s get started.the first step is to enable file sharing on

the remote mac, which in this case is themacbook pro. i’m going to go to system preference, click ‘sharing’ and enable the file sharingcheckbox. i’m going to make a note of the computername for my macbook pro as this is what i’ll be looking for on the imac. i can change thisif i want by clicking the edit button. with the sharing panel still open i’m going toclick the ‘options’ button to bring up the types of file sharing protocols and enable‘share files and folders using afp’. with file sharing enabled on the remote macbookpro i’m going to switch back to my imac that has chronosync installed. now that i’mback on the imac i’m going to open a new finder window. within this finder window onthe left hand side should be a ‘shared’

section.i’m going to locate my macbook pro which will be listed by the computer name givenearlier in the file sharing panel of the macbook pro. you may need to click the disclosuretriangle next to ‘shared’ to see all available devices.after selecting my macbook pro i’m going to go ahead and click the ‘connect as’button displayed in the finder window. here, i enter my username and password for my useraccount on my macbook pro, then i hit the ‘connect’ button.if i’ve successfully entered the username and password a window should appear showinga list of folders. i’m going to double click the folder i want to mount, which is my userhome folder on the macbook pro.

the final result is that the finder windowshows the contents of my home folder on my macbook what i’ve shown you here today is how to enable file sharing in the system preferenceson my macbook pro, and then how to mount an access the newly shared folder on my sure to watch the second installment where i will create a new sync document in chronosyncto synchronize my documents folder from my imac to my macbook pro.if you have any questions about this screencast, chronosync, or chronoagent, just visit ourwebsite at and submit a question through our product support page.

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