Thursday, June 29, 2017

How To Airdrop Home Videos

footage has been released showing britain'sfirst airdrop of emergency supplies to help iraqi civilians trapped on a remote mountainnear the syrian border. the video, which was released by the ministryof defence, shows the royal airforce departing for the overnight operation which took placeon saturday into sunday. the aid, which included water, filtrationdevices and food, was being delivered to help

How To Airdrop Home Videos, iraqi civilians, from the minority yazidicommunity, who are trapped on mount sinjar after their home area was seized by fightersof the islamic state, who have threatened to exterminate them. the parcels were dropped by the cargo planesover mount sinjar, where the united states

had already begun airdrops in the previousdays. hundreds of thousands of iraqi christiansand other minorities have fled from is fighters who have beheaded and crucified some of theircaptives and broadcast the killings on the internet. britain said on friday it will contributeeight million pounds worth of new spending for those displaced by the ongoing fightingin iraq, but has indicated it will not intervene militarily.

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