Saturday, June 24, 2017

How To Adopt A Child Without Using An Agency

i’m mike lepley, the executive directorof the adoption lantern. in this short how to video, i’ll talk abouthow to adopt an infant. to adopt an infant you need to select an adoptionroute, and then be smart about the strategies you use to pursue that terms of selecting an adoption route, there’s really seven different adoption routes, eachwith their own pros and cons. it’s beyond

How To Adopt A Child Without Using An Agency, the scope of this short video to go into each,but we do have a webinar for you at that goes into the pros and cons of each adoptionroute. the average age of children that are generally adoptable for each of those sevenroutes varies from newborns all the way to teens, so it’s important to select the rightroute.

the adoption consultant and domestic agencyroutes are really the two most attractive routes for adopting a then after you’ve selected a route, you need to be smart about pursuing it, whichis easier said than done, of course. but, whether you use an adoption consultant ornot, we recommend the following: use multiple placement sources. like theysay in stock investing, diversification reduces your risk. so, using multiple placement sourcesmeans you’re not getting stuck putting all your eggs in one basket. you want to see moreadoption situations that are better aligned with your adoption goals, and using multiplebest-in-class placement sources really helps accomplish that.

use quantitative methods to risk-assess adoptionsituations. whether that’s a simple good, better, best method, or the complicated mathmodels like we use at the adoption lantern, at least try to look at a few dimensions whenyou see adoption situations. dimensions like cost, legal risk, etc. be systematic aboutreviewing adoption situations when you see them. have a working knowledge of adoption legalrisks so that you can pass on situations that are outside your tolerances. and finally, build a strong adoption team.including hopefully an adoption consultant and a pediatrician – to give you that guidanceyou need to help you adopt an infant safely

and quickly. so how to adopt an infant is obviously a bigtopic, but with the tips i gave you here, it will be a great jumpstart for you. formore help with adopting an infant quickly and safely, visit our website at theadoptionlantern.comor sign up for our email newsletter at thanks!

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