Friday, June 23, 2017

How To Adopt A Child Single Woman

(playful music) - do we want kids in the future? yes. - and we would considerhaving children in the future. - yeah, we'd like to expandour family naturally,

How To Adopt A Child Single Woman, and also taking in a child which hasn't been given thestart to life that it deserved. - ok, so gender. - [mehmet] obviously male.- [hoa] female.

female. - ok. - i'm happy with a malebaby or a female baby. - if we have a girl,though, he would spoil her and she would be a bitch. - so much. age of child. - i would adopt a teenager. i think it would be fun.- [marcel] a teenager?

you think it would be fun? - yeah. - i'd be happy to takein a baby, to be honest. - but a baby's a lot of work, so-- - yeah, but it's gonnabe a lot of work anyway. - american indian or alaskan native? - all of them. - race, ethnicity, i don'tcare what the race is, to be honest.

- i don't know about ifthey didn't speak english, 'cause i wouldn't be ableto communicate with them. - that seems like a really scary thing to be taking a child whodoesn't speak your language. i feel like that's traumatic. i'm gonna say no to that one. - ok, dental problems,may include tooth decay, missing teeth, crowded. yeah, i mean--- [corey] yeah.

we're gonna get that kid braces. - tendency to reject father figures. - no. - well, that's not gonna work. - ok, birth history, lowbirth weight or premature. even my friend just had a premature baby, and they're just like so thrilled just to have this beautiful little girl. - i don't know if i would be.

like, i'm already about if iwould be a good enough mother for, like, a healthy baby. - i just think it's like, it's little-- - you would honestlybe ok with, like, a kid that had all these issues? then we don't know what it's like. i'm not a shitty person. - i didn't say you were a shitty person.- [becky] i'm just nervous

about like my first kid having all of that stuff.- [corey] i understand. - a fetal alcohol syndrome baby. oh, that's sad.- [marcel] i don't even know what that means. - that's when the mother was drinking. - mental retardation, mild, moderate, severe. - yeah, we would consider that.

yeah, it's all about, i think, nurture. - a severe/profoundmental retardation, ok. - um, i don't know if i have the resources and the mental, like-- - but that's where i come in, 'cause i do. - i mean, is this really thelist that you go through? - this is extensive. - i could probably try towork with adjustment disorder, but i couldn't do autism.

- no, i couldn't either. - i don't know about schizophrenia. - i'll take that challenge. - i know, but it's like we bothhave to take the challenge. you can't be selfish. - you need to be strong enough mentally to be able to take that on as well. - and also have theexperience to deal with it. that's a lot of patience.

- that breaks my heart. child involved in prostitution. - i'd have to say yes. yeah, there's gonna be some issues, but, like, absolutely, handsdown i would take that child. - child conceived as a result of rape. wow. - yeah, we-- - yeah.- [hoa] yeah, that's fine.

- child conceived as a result of incest. - i would say no. - anything incest, i'm just, it depends if the child is healthy. - i don't think i'm ready to be a parent. i don't think we'reready to adopt a child. this is too serious. - it's really sad. i mean, you have to think that

if you have to go through this, there are children thatfit each of these boxes. everything we're sayingno to applies to a child. - i didn't know how muchdetail went into it, and, like, about themental state of the child or the health or everything. i just thought, you know,you can just go adopt a child who doesn't have a mom and dad. - so many of these things,like, i've heard of

and know what they are, but for some reason younever think about them when you think about children and raising a child and having it. it's odd to me. - it makes me just think about, like, do i get what being a parent is about? - a loving family candefinitely help regardless. - so, i think it's something

that we still definitely wanna do. - i think they should actually use this for people who are thinking(laughs) about having kids too.

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